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The jump rope to lose weight: Your slimming ally

The jump rope to lose weight: Your slimming ally

The jump rope for weight loss is a great weight loss tool. Don't have time to hit the gym after work or aren't motivated enough to commit to a full course of exercise every week?

The jump rope is the solution for you! It can burn up to 13 calories per minute and is ideal for a quick and efficient workout. So, what are the benefits of jumping rope to lose weight?

How do you train with this fitness accessory? Which choice to make for your jump rope? You will know everything after reading this article!

The benefits of jumping rope to lose weight

The skipping rope is useful for losing weight, of course, but this fitness accessory has many other advantages:

  • Efficient: it burns a record number of calories in a short time.

  • Portable: You can take it anywhere and just slip it into a bag or whenever you leave the house and take it for a workout anytime

  • Economical: no gym membership needed.

  • Full body: Jump rope activates every part of your body from head to toe. From your shoulders to your calves, you'll feel your muscles working.

  • Low Risk of Injury: Compared to most forms of exercise, jumping rope is extremely safe. You jump a few centimeters at most if your movement is correct, so the risk of injury is relatively low. A complementary article: Red or white tiger balm: Which use?

  • Fun : The beauty of jumping rope is that you can always learn new tricks and improve your skills. There is no cap. So it makes your workouts interesting and engaging.

  • Accessible: All you need to get started is a jump rope, your energy, and your body.

  • Improved agility : If you are an athlete looking to improve your agility and footwork, jumping rope is perfect for you. It's not for nothing that the best fighters in the world include jump rope exercises in their training regimen.

  • Endurance Enhancement: Beyond the fat burning effects, you can also expect a significant improvement in your endurance. And all potentially without leaving the driveway or garage in front of your house.


The different workouts to do with a jump rope to lose weight

Classic session

Before trying variations or other forms of exercise, master the basic jump movement and form. To do this, hold your jump rope for weight loss with your hands at hip height and keep your elbows slightly bent.

Roll your shoulders back and down and keep your chest out. Jump a few inches off the ground, leaving the rope just enough room to slide under your feet.

Land on the soles of your feet. Keep your elbows close to your sides as you twist the rope. The movement should come from your wrists and forearms, not your shoulders. Do 10 to 15 small jumps to warm up.If you want to know everything about it: What are the benefits of jumping rope and how to benefit from it?

Jump rope every week for 15-20 minutes Once you feel comfortable with basic jumping, practice once a day. To keep track of your progress, write down how many jumps you can do in 15-20 minutes. Above all, don't sacrifice movement for speed!

Session with circuit integration

Integrateskipping rope for weight lossinto a weight training circuit for fast and complete results.

It will help you lose weight, but also gain muscle mass. Start with a 15-minute circuit, once a day, to burn fat and tone your body. We also advise you to read: Top 7 exercises to perform with a wave rope

You will need a jump rope, a timer and an exercise mat:

  • jump rope for 1 minute with feet together;
  • do 20 lunges, 10 per side;
  • skipping rope for 1 minute;
  • do 10 push-ups;
  • skip rope for 1 minute, feet together;
  • do a 30 second plank plank;
  • skipping rope for 1 minute;
  • rest for 10 seconds;
  • Repeat this circuit one more time, resting for one minute between each circuit.

Workout with jump variations

There are different variations to perform with a jump rope to lose weight. The first is to sidestep. To do this, hold the jump rope in the correct position. Jump a few centimeters to your left swinging your rope.

Then jump a few centimeters to your right swinging the rope. Get into a rhythm by jumping from side to side. Then you can practice with alternate foot jumps.

Instead of jumping with both feet at once, alternate your feet, as if running in place. Keep your knees lifted forward and try to jump a little higher. As you land, stay on the balls of your feet. Finally, try jumping with one leg. You can also read: How to cut without losing muscle: All the tips

Start by jumping only on your right foot. Land gently on the soles of your feet. Then step onto your left foot only. Keep your shoulders back and your upper body straight as you jump.

Choosing a jump rope to lose weight

The criteria to favor

Perhaps choosing a skipping rope to lose weight sounds simple to you. But there are more features to consider than you might at first imagine! Here are the main criteria to consider:

  • Thedurability: Make sure you get an all-surface jump rope that is durable for both indoor and outdoor use. For the handles, it is advisable to choose a ball bearing system to extend the life of the rope.

    Plastic (PVC) ropes are more durable than cotton ropes and spin faster, allowing for a more intense workout. They are also more practical for doing advanced jump rope moves, such as the single leg jump or the alternating foot jump.

  • The Size : Make sure you pick a rope that is properly sized for you.If you stand on the rope with one foot and bring both handles towards your body, the bottom of the handle should be just below your armpits

    But ideally we advise you to choose a rope whose length is adjustable.

  • Your Goal : Choose a rope optimized for your goals. If you want to work on your agility, be sure to take a light rope.

    If you want to burn more calories and work on your endurance a little more, you can choose a weighted rope weighing a few kilos to strengthen your arms more.

The model we recommend

The Super-Human Fitness™ pro™ skipping rope is a skipping rope for weight loss accessible to everyone, and which offers all the advantages of the models high end. It has an automatic counter so you know instantly how many jumps you have made during your session.

The handles are comfortable and non-slip, so you won't be bothered even if you sweat. The jump rope has a professional 360° ball bearing system, which guarantees you a smooth and effortless rotation. Another advantage is that its length is adjustable.

It therefore adapts to all bodies and all morphologies, up to 2 m! Easy to carry and use, this skipping rope will become your ultimate slimming ally. This model has been designed to simplify your session, and never hinder your progress.


In summary: jumping rope to lose weight

The skipping rope to lose weight is therefore a simple and extremely effective solution for losing weight. In addition, this fitness accessorybrings multiple other benefits, whether for your healthor yourfitness. You can train in different ways to varierate the sessions and make the most of all the benefits.

It is possible to perform classic jumps, integrate them into circuits or practice with variations that challenge you a little more. In any case, you need to choose a durable jump rope, in your size and suitable for your purpose.

That's why we recommend the Super-Human Fitness™ pro™ skipping rope model, which adapts to all body types! This jump rope for weight loss will finally give you the weight loss you've been dreaming about!


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