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Top 7 Pull Up Bar Exercises to Gain Mass

Top 7 Pull Up Bar Exercises to Gain Mass

exercises with a pull-up bar are often the most effective for building muscle. This apparatus, in fact, is a very popular tool for lovers of bodybuilding. Lightweight and easily portable, it allows you to train in an instant from almost anywhere.

However, did you know that the pull-up bar isn't just for doing pull-ups? This all-in-one gym equipment is perfect for building upper body muscle. However, by varying the exercises, it is also possible to develop other muscle groups such as the abdominal strap or the lower limbs (thighs and buttocks).

With this simple bar, you can put together a whole bodyweight program to work on your strength and power . Here are our top 7 most effective pull-up bar exercises to build muscle fast.

Pronation or supination pull-ups

Of course, the essential exercise that can be performed with a pull-up bar is still the movement of tractions in pronation or supination. With this exercise, which consists of pulling yourself up to the level of the horizontal bar with the sole strength of your arms, you mainly targetyour back and your biceps.

To do this, simply hang from the bar, spreading your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. In the case of overhand pull-ups (or pull-up), both of your palms must be facing forward. This will strengthen your back more.

In order to perform this movement perfectly, remember to stay well sheathed. Then raise your body vertically, until your chin is above the bar. Control your descent, in order to return to your initial position. Breathe out as you lift your body and inhale deeply as you lower.

In the case of chin-ups (chin-up), the movement is the same. Only the location of the hands is different. Indeed, the palms are towards you and the thumbs turned outwards. This will further shape the muscles of the arms and back. To perform these exercises safely, always keep your body straight, without rocking. Focus on movement as well as back and arm work.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read also: 5 examples of back-biceps sessions for rapid mass gain

exercices tractions

Toes to bar

toes to bar, from the world of CrossFit, are exercises that can be done perfectly with a pull-up bar. The goal is simple: hang with your arms and touch the bar with your toes. This move is great for strengthening the entire core.

The toes to bar is a seemingly simple exercise. However, the difficulty lies mainly in the fact of chaining the repetitions in a fluid way, while keeping a well-sheathed body. Indeed, once on the pull-up bar, the body tends to move in all directions.

To perform this exercise, start by hanging from the pull-up bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders apart. Legs straight, bring them back to the bar. The toes should touch it.The thighs, on the other hand, should simply graze your chest Go back down controlling the movement until you return to your initial position, while limiting the swings. Remember to breathe out during your effort and exhale throughout the descent.

Read also: Supinated or pronated traction: how to choose?


If your pull-up bar height is adjustable, then you might consider doing dips. This exercise is perfect for strengthening your arms, especially the brachial triceps, as well as the chest and shoulders. It also engages the anterior bundles of the deltoids and the lower pectorals.

Like push-ups, dips are flexion-extension movements of the arms. To perform this movement, start by lowering your pull-up bar. With your back to the apparatus, place your hands on either side in a natural grip, thumbs forward. The support is on the entire surface of the palm and not just on the wrist

Stretch your legs out in front of you, without your buttocks touching the ground. Bend your arms to come down, elbows back, without spreading them. The goal is to form a kind of right angle between the arms and the forearm. Then push with the strength of your triceps and your pecs to come back up to the initial position.

Keep your abs tight throughout the execution of the trick and your legs straight. They are in no way solicited, but serve as your support. Remember to keep your trunk straight and look towards the horizon. To make this exercise more difficult, you can put your feet on a bench to accentuate the descent.

An article about it: Weighted dips: the complete guide to progress

gilet lesté

Australian pull-ups

Australian pull-ups, or horizontal pull-ups, are also performed with a pull-up bar placed just a few centimeters off the ground. This exercise, classified as calisthenics, is somewhat different from vertical pull-ups. Here, the goal is to expand your bust, so as to develop a harmonious and strong body.

The whole body works with Australian pull-ups, although the posterior muscle chain is more involved. The latissimus dorsi, teres major, trapezius and rhomboids are also particularly stimulated.

To perform this move, start by hanging under a pull-up bar with your legs straight and your back off the floor. Slightly bend your arms and wrap your whole body. The head, back, buttocks and legs must be aligned. Then pull on your arms, so that your chest is towards the bar. Keep your elbows parallel to your body, without spreading them. Always control your descent and remember to breathe well.

muscle-ups are great for working on your strength, your explosiveness and speed on a pull-up bar. The movement is impressive and mixes both classic pull-ups and dips. It is a complex exercise that requires a good foundation in bodybuilding. However, it is particularly effective for developing the entire upper body.

Indeed, all of the back muscles (latissimus dorsi, trapezius, teres major, etc.), shoulders (deltoids and rhomboids), arms (biceps, triceps), chest (pectorals), forearms (long supinators) and abdominal strap (transverse, rectus abdominis) are used

To perform this movement without injuring yourself, you need impeccable technique. Start by standing up, about fifty centimeters behind the bar. Your body should already be sheathed and your feet parallel. Then grab the bar with your arms straight. Your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders, with an overhand grip, thumbs over the bar. Raise your body vertically, pulling on the bar, until you bring your chin and then your whole chest to the back of the bar.

Then you have to perform the dips, and raise your upper body above the pull-up bar, performing a slight pendulum movement. Once the pelvis is at the level of the apparatus, push on your arms, elbows parallel and well locked until you reach above the bar, arms straight. Control your descent and repeat the exercise as many times as necessary

To get the most information: 5 steps to know how to do pull-ups

Knee Raises

The knee raise exercise is a variation of toes to bar. It mainly works the muscles of the abdominals as well as the forearms. To do this, start by sitting at the bar. Hang without your feet touching the ground.

Hold the bar firmly with the entire palm of your hand. Fully straighten your legs then bring your knees in, bending them towards your chest. Keep your body well sheathed so that you have a controlled ascent and descent to return to the starting position. Avoid rocking motions as much as possible to avoid injury and work the correct muscle groups.

Also, for maximum results: Top 10 bodyweight training circuits

montees de genoux

Pull-ups around the world

Around the world pull-ups are a rather tough variation on classic pull-ups. Beyond working your arms, you mainly develop your obliques.

To perform this movement, hang from the bar without your feet touching the ground. Your legs should be slightly bent, your arms should be straight and your body tight. Then, with your pelvis, without moving your upper body, make a 360° movement with your legs together. The goal is to make a circle with the legs, going clockwise.

Once a complete circle has been completed, you can choose to pause, or continue with another movement, in the same direction or in the direction opposite.

Also read: 6 steps to doing pull-ups with a rubber band

In summary: exercises with a pull-up bar

You will have understood that the pull-up bar offers dozens of possibilities for great athletes at heart. A single apparatus is enough to work almost all the muscle groups of your body and thus vary the pleasures. You will gain strength and greatly increase your physical performance.

To make your work harder, but also build your muscles faster, there is a trick: do the movements with a weight.The military weighted vest with its 50 kg load is perfect for this challenge! It slips on easily, like a T-shirt and is very comfortable

You will hardly feel it on you, except maybe when you are on your fourth set of Aussie dips or pull-ups! Rest assured, it is also possible to go step by step, increasing the weight as you go: 5, 10, 15 then 50 kg! Ready to give it a try and see visible results with these pull-up bar exercises.

gilet lesté


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