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5 Exercises to Lose Your Lower Belly Fast

5 Exercises to Lose Your Lower Belly Fast

Losing your lower belly seems mission impossible to you? Indeed, although we all have different body types and different ways of storing excess fat, there is one area that most athletes struggle with: the lower belly.

This lower stomach pouch is one of the most stubborn areas of the body and many people think they will never get rid of it. It is very frustrating ! However, there are solutions to lose your lower belly and achieve your goals.

In this article, we present to you the 4 mistakes to avoid as well as 5 perfect exercises to lose belly fat. To maximize these, we'll use our Cross-Training & Strength Training™ Weighted Bag™ model!

The reasons that keep you from losing your lower belly

Before telling you about our tips for losing your lower abdomen, we will start by identifying the cause. Why do you have excess fat in this area of ​​the body? The reasons can be multiple, and the first step is to eliminate the cause of your problem:

  • Poor diet: Eating too many processed foods and not enough vegetables and fruits affects your bodily functions. This leads to a slowdown in your metabolism and chronic inflammation in your body. This inflammation then induces an accumulation of fat in the belly area.

  • Too much alcohol: Limited alcohol consumption is not bad for your health in itself. Things start to go downhill when you consume more than 60ml of alcohol per day. This then causes dehydration and the calories from alcohol are more easily stored as fat. We advise you to read: Alcohol and bodybuilding: everything you need to know

  • Lack of exercise: Exercising is the best way to lose weight and feel good. Leading a comfortable, sedentary life may seem attractive, but it is not recommended. To keep your body healthy and active, you need to exercise regularly. Your circulation, metabolism, digestion, sleep, and brain function will greatly improve.

  • Stress: Stress increases your chances of accumulating fat in the lower belly area. The trigger is the same as for the other causes: inflammation.

The 5 Best Moves to Lose Your Lower Belly

Crawl and shoot

This exercise is a great way to strengthen your abs while doing some cardio to lose your lower stomach. It's also a great hip extension movement to stretch the glutes after sitting all day at a desk.

Place the weighted bag on the floor behind your feet and get on your hands and knees. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

Raise your hands and toes. Run a hand between your legs to grab the sandbag. Reaching out, bring your butt toward your heels. Then push your toes and hips forward to pull the sandbag under your body and over your head. Don't just use your arms, but also your hips, to help you pull.

This is because your hips need to supply the pull so you can pull the weighted bag up to your head or a bit further. Keep crawling and pulling the bag until the reps, distance, or time is up.

Use a bag heavy enough to make you feel challenged Thanks to its reinforced ends, our weighted bag model is ideal for this type of movement. If you want to know more:The crossfit weight bag: How does it work?

If the exercise doesn't require you to use your glutes, the weight is too light. You also shouldn't be able to throw the bag 10 feet in front of you.

sac lesté

Board with draw bag

Anti-rotational exercises are a great way to build abdominal stability and prevent lower back pain. They protect the spine and help lose the lower abdomen. To perform this exercise, get into a plank position and place the weighted bag on the floor on one side of your body (outside at your shoulder).

Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and your stance is stable. The closer together your feet are, the more difficult the movement will be, since you won't have as wide or stable a base. Then reach under your body to grab the sandbag. Contract your glutes and, without rotating your hips, pull the sandbag to the other side of your body. If you want to know all about it: Ab Straps: How to get your 6-pack?

Then do the same with the other hand. Don't let your hips swing or sag, or your buttocks pop up, as you pull the weight bag from side to side. Don't worry about the lifespan of the bag: the Super-Human Fitness bag is guaranteed for life and built with solid, quality materials.

sac lesté planche

To combat your body's urge to spin, you will need to contract your core and clench your glutes. Continue alternating until all reps are complete. Your goal is to maintain a nice straight line from your head to your heels throughout the exercise.

Good morning

The goodmorning front loaders are a great way to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings while working your abs. So it's ideal for losing belly stride! When you use a front load, you force your abs to work much harder to stabilize and support the weight. So hold the sandbag at chest level: our weight bag has comfortable and strong handles to facilitate this type of movement.

You are standing with your feet hip-width apart. With the weight on your chest, bend forward keeping your back flat. When you bend over, push your butt back and keep your knees soft.

You should feel a stretch along your hamstrings. Don't arch your back while you hold the weight on your chest. By contracting your muscles well, push to return to the starting position. You can then change your stance to target your legs from slightly different angles. A related article: Ankle Strap Weightlifting: TOP 5 Lower Body Exercises

To work the adductors more, widen your stance. To focus more on your glutes and hamstrings, bring your feet closer together.

Lunges with rotations

This fourth exercise to lose your lower stomach works the legs and glutes.And yes: no need to target only the abdominals to lose weight in the abdominal area On the contrary, it is beneficial to work the whole body.

To perform a rotating lunge, grab a handle of the weighted bag in each hand. Stand tall with your feet together and the bag in front of your legs.

Then step back one foot to perform a nice lunge: the back knee is bent and the front leg remains relatively straight. Once you are at the bottom of the movement, pivot with the bag with the outside. Return to the center and then straighten up. For more on another accessory to have in your gym bag: How to use elastic bands in weight training?

Do the same, alternating sides (you always pivot to the side opposite the back leg). Make sure you always stay in control.

Get up

This exercise to lose your lower abdomen consists “simply” of standing up. But with the weight bag, it immediately becomes more intense ! Depending on your level, know that our model is adjustable between 5 and 30 kg to adapt to everyone.

Start by lying on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you. Place the sandbag over your right shoulder and hold it steady by placing your hand in a non-slip handle. With the help of one leg, first straighten up on the side. Then get into a seated position with your chest straight.

Then use one arm and one leg to pivot into the side plank core position. Then bring your support leg back and put your knee on the ground. We also invite you to read: Lose your lower back fat: 9 tips

Then pivot to find yourself in a lunge position, with the difference that your support rests on the ground. Then, stand up completely thanks to the impulse of your back leg. Try to maintain a good posture throughout the movement.

Don't rush through the steps. Make sure you've mastered each part of the move before moving on to the next. If necessary, break down the exercise and practice.

sac lesté

In summary: losing the lower belly

Now, no more excuses: with our tips and the 5 exercises presented in this article, you can lose your lower belly! Our weighted bag allows both beginners and experienced athletes to obtain convincing and fast results.

No more tormenting yourself for hours at the gym without seeing any change: with this fitness accessory, you can train at home, at your own pace.

You will be able to boost your physical condition and your raw power. If you change your bad eating habits and perform these exercises regularly, you will quickly lose your lower belly!


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Losing your lower belly seems mission impossible to you? Indeed, although we all have different body types and different ways of storing excess fat, there is one area that most athletes struggle with: the lower...

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