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Should I keep a splint overnight?

Should I keep a splint overnight?

The splint is a device used to maintain a joint or a limb. For the foot area, the splint is placed at the ankle or on the foot itself. It allows the member to be contained for a fixed period, according to the medical prescription, the opinion of the podiatrist-podiatrist.

But it's not always easy to know how to use it, whether to keep it overnight or not. Then this article gives you the answers to your questions.

Why should you wear an ankle brace?

There are several reasons for wearing a splint after an ankle sprain:

  • Fight the swelling in your ankle. The orthosis will have a role of compression to prevent the swelling from spreading too much.
  • Protect your ankle which is more fragile. The splint will passively stabilize your ankle, i.e. it will supplement the injured ligaments in their role as a protective stay and will increase your proprioception. ankle, i.e. how your ankle feels in space and how it is positioned.
  • Enable you to facilitate an early return to support, i.e. put your foot on the ground and begin to put your body weight on your ankle stride faster and safer. Pressing, even partially, the body on your sprain , helps in better recovery.

Total immobilization was once the solution after this type of trauma, but with the evolution of science, prolonged rest is no longer an option. The cast on a sprain remains an extremely rare exception. The splint is part of the first step after an sprained ankle.

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Top 3 criteria not to be overlooked when choosing your ankle brace

If you want your ankle brace to provide you with maximum effectiveness, you must pay particular attention to these 3 criteria.


The splint should prevent lateral movement of your ankle, partially or totally depending on the severity of the injury. Its role is to stop straining the ligaments to allow them to heal better.

You must absolutely avoid the inversion movement of the ankle, that is to say the movement of your accident: the twisting of the foot inward. This will prevent a false movement that could increase the ligament damage.

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The splint should be tightened to reduce swelling. This will help your blood circulation and reduce the edema present more quickly.


The splint must not completely block or lock the ankle joint, in particular so that you can carry out an early recovery as mentioned above.

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Which splint to choose for an ankle sprain?

When you want to choose your splint, here are the 3 possibilities you will encounter.

The protective sock

The protective sock looks like a strapping It is recommended if your sprain is mild or moderate. Your ankle should only swell slightly and feel stable when you walk.

It gives good proprioceptive support and good dynamic stability. It is very comfortable to wear.

The semi-rigid splint

This splint has slightly less protection than a rigid brace, but its effect is more than enough to cope with your everyday stresses. It has the advantage of being more comfortable to wear and having a better compressive effect than the rigid splint.

It combines the mobility of the protective sock and the safety of the rigid splint. It is recommended for medium and severe sprains.

attelle semi rigide

The rigid splint

Despite its greater protection, the rigid ankle brace is less pleasant when walking. Its compressive effect is also less good than the protective sock or the semi-rigid splint. You therefore risk removing it sooner than expected due to discomfort and you increase your chances of recurrence.

When resuming your activities with this orthosis, you will have difficulty fitting the splint into your shoes. You will feel discomfort because of its rigidity, especially with the support at the level of your malleolus, and it may hurt you if you need to walk for more than 20 minutes.

Remember that the choice of splint is made according to the severity of the sprain. There is no point, for example, in putting on a splint that overprotects for a minor sprain, it would even produce the opposite effect... And it is dangerous to put on a protective sock when your sprain is said to be serious, such as a partial tear of the external lateral ligament, or you feel unsteady when walking.

Also remember that protection does not only depend on your splint. It also depends on your vigilance. It is advisable to pay attention to your environment during the first weeks, because your ankle will be less reactive and therefore the risk of twisting your ankle again will be greater:

  • Avoid uneven surfaces.
  • Watch out for the sidewalk.

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How long should you wear your ankle brace?

Start on a 10-day basis and adjust according to the elements below:

  • Depending on the severity of the sprain. If you find it difficult to put your foot on the ground, if you find it difficult to walk, then keep the splint on for another week.
  • Depending on how you feel. If your ankle feels unstable or fragile when walking, keep your splint on for another week.
  • Depending on the dangers you have in your daily life. Imagine yourself getting better. You return to work 8 days after your strain. Then put on your splint if you have the slightest risk on your way: paved ground, dirt road, jostling in the subway, etc...
  • Depending on your edema. The orthosis has a compression role.If 2 weeks after your injury you still have swelling, keep your brace for another week

If you are one of those people who needs to wear their splint for another week, do it and ask yourself the questions above. And so on...

To know: Build your ankles: Our strengthening program


Do you have to keep your splint on overnight?

At the onset of ankle sprain, it is recommended to keep it day and night for a while. Stress on the ligaments being repaired must absolutely be avoided. At night, you may take ligament strain positions that are not ideal for your recovery. During the day, try to keep it on all the time, except for bathing and exercising.

You can remove it from time to time. It is not an obligation to have it 24 hours a day! If you are careful, if you don't feel particularly fragile and if the pain is bearable, nothing prevents you from walking without a splint. The brace is a protection and optimizes recovery in the first days of the injury, it is in no way responsible for the healing of the ligaments of your ankle stride.

As soon as you feel better, you can wear it intermittently, for example during walks in the forest, gardening or when walking on uneven ground. Slip it into your bag and as soon as you feel the need to put it on, don't hesitate.

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Superhuman Fit Ankle Brace

Fit Superhuman always aims to offer you the best for your sports accessories. But the risks of ankle sprain are also possible in bodybuilding. That's why Fit Superhuman offers you an ankle brace.

This splint protects your ankle and provides an analgesic effect. Thanks to it, you will see a :

  • Better ankle stability
  • Better compression of the joint
  • Better Mobility
  • Better shock absorption from walking
  • Better stamina as the splint soothes the pain

This splint also meets many constraints:

  • It fits both feet.
  • It is used in both men and women.
  • It fits all shoes.
  • It's easy to put on thanks to its adjustable straps.
  • It's lightweight and breathable for maximum comfort.

So if you've injured yourself, feel the need to maintain your ankle during the day and at night to heal quickly and effectively, this ankle brace is essential in your accessories.

You can take it with you anywhere to put it on and relieve yourself whenever you feel the need.

For more information: Ankle sprains

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In summary

The ankle brace is an effective medical aid in case of sprain. It is of course important to consult a doctor during your injury. But then you have to make a choice about your protection.The ankle splint allows you to maintain the joint and decongest the edema. You must therefore choose it well to heal effectively and avoid relapses.

The pain obviously persists day and night and you can keep your splint on at night. It will help keep your joint secure during movements in your sleep that could cause you further pain. If you feel your ankle weakened, try the ankle brace specially designed for sprainsthat Fit Superhuman offers you. You'll be able to quickly find your way back to your gym by using it!


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The splint is a device used to maintain a joint or a limb. For the foot area, the splint is placed at the ankle or on the foot itself. It allows the member to be...

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