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Bungee hip thrust: how to build your glutes quickly?

Bungee hip thrust: how to build your glutes quickly?

The hip thrust is a strength training exercise that focuses on the glutes, activating nearly 80% of the muscles of the latter. This simple pelvic lift is essential for a glute session. The movement is simple to perform, so you can perform it directly from home. In the dining room, you will find many machines and accessories to work it.

This article reveals all the variants of the hip thrust so that you don't get tired of this exercise during your training sessions. Remember to always contract your buttocks well during the different variations and you will come out with shapely buttocks.

Basic hip thrust step by step

To properly perform the movement of hip thrust, here are the different steps to perform:

  • Rest your upper back on a flat bench or chair and your feet on the floor hip-width apart, making sure to have a 90° angle between your shins and femurs as you lift your butt.
  • The upper body is relaxed and the head is in line with the spine. Be careful not to force the neck.
  • The exercise then consists of performing hip flexions then extensions while maintaining a contraction of the glutes for 1 to 2 seconds in a high position.
  • Holding the contraction isometrically in a high position increases the work of the gluteus maximus.

Regarding breathing, exhale when extending the hips and inhale when lowering.

Also read: Bungee leg curl: the complete guide to strengthening your glutes

benefices hip thrust

3 tips for calmly performing the hip thrust

Hip thrust is not a dangerous exercise. However, some recommendations should be followed to avoid unnecessary pain.

Stable supports

Be sure to place your shoulder blades correctly and your feet flat on the ground to ensure good balance.

If the bench tends to roll back, place it against a wall. If you're just starting out, remember to use the disc stops for your barbell and weights as soon as you move on to variations.

The technique before the charges

The hip thrust allows you to lift weight. However, the load is a means and not an end in itself. The quality of execution and muscle contraction must be privileged in order to obtain good results. It is therefore advisable to perform sets of between 10 and 20 repetitions.

The movement must be controlled both up and down, taking care to maintain a static contraction of at least 1 second at the top of the movement. Thus, you will strongly feel your glutes and your hamstrings working. If you can't, the load is too high.

To find out more: Progressive overload : 7 bodybuilding techniques to progress

bandes élastiques

Protection around the bar

When using a barbell, be sure to put on a protective foam sleeve before placing it on your hips. Failing that, a rolled up towel will do the trick. The objective is that the support of the bar is not painful at the hips.

Variants of hip thrust without equipment

Hip thrust on the ground with feet together

Proceed in the same way as for a classic hip thrust except that you will place your feet against each other and keep this position throughout the movement.

This variant of hip thrust is particularly interesting for soliciting the gluteus maximus and reducing work on the hamstrings

Hip thrust with one leg in the air

Put yourself in the starting position according to the variant chosen: on the ground, with weight, feet on a step,... Then, raise one leg straight up in the air, keeping the weight on the heel of the lower leg. press.

If it gets too complicated, you can bend your leg and rest your ankle on the thigh of the supporting leg. Perform the classic hip thrust movement by keeping your hips facing the ceiling throughout the movement.

This unilateral work will make it possible to increase the difficulty and erase a right and left imbalance.

Hip thrust with elevated feet

Place your feet on a step or a chair. Perform the basic Hip Thrust movement. For more difficulty, add a weight or bar on the hips, or an elastic resistance band above the knees. Raising the feet will activate the hamstrings more than the glutes.

Also read: How to grow your buttocks quickly and harmoniously?

Variants of hip thrust with equipment

Hip thrust on the ground with bar or weight

Lying on the ground, position the bar on you, at hip level. Use protective foam or wrap a towel around the bar for added comfort.

Grab the barbell to prevent it from rolling and keep it at hip level throughout the movement. Then perform the classic hip thrust movement.

The load puts maximum stress on theglutes. You can easily put on up to twice your own weight with a little practice.

To be read in parallel: How to melt the hip circumference in women?

Hip thrust on bench with bar or weight

Sit in front of a bench with a weight or a bar on you, at hip level. For more comfort, consider putting a foam sleeve, mat or towel around the bar.

Position your upper back, including your shoulder blades, on the bench. Perform the basic hip thrust movement by raising your pelvis until you reach shoulder, hip and knee alignment. Don't rest your butt on the floor.

Benefit: You increase amplitude by positioning your shoulder blades on a bench. And it is in this position that you will have the most strength and that you will be able to put the most important load.

It is not easy to place a heavy load on our hips when training alone, and we do not always have another person available to help us there. So here is a little trick to achieve this easily. Lay a floor mat parallel to the bench, and place a dumbbell on one side of the mat.

Position the mat on you in a seated position then roll the dumbbell to position it on the hips. Next, place your elbows on the bench, and push up to get your upper back into the starting position on the bench. You can do the same with a barbell by positioning it in front of you.

For more information: How to get bigger hips: 10 secrets of diet and exercise

hip thrust poids

Hip thrust with swiss ball

Position your feet on a swiss ball, then perform the basic hip thrust movement.

TheSwiss ballallows you to work in instability and therefore to solicit the stabilizing and deep muscles. This will work your deep abs in addition to the glutes.

Also read: Top 8 exercises to do abs with a pilates ball

Hip thrust with TRX

Adjust the TRX so that the straps are about thirty centimeters from the ground Lie on your back and position your heels in each strap of the TRX. Bring the knees over the hips to form a right angle between your hips, knees and heels.

Position the arms along the body for more stability. Push the pelvis upwards, trying to sink your heels as much as possible into the straps. Control the descent as much as possible by keeping the abdominal strap engaged.

TRX-type suspension straps cause instability. This works your stabilizing muscles and your abdominals deep.

To know: 7 abs exercises with TRX and their benefits

Variants of hip thrust on machine

Hip thrust with machine leg extension

The first function of the machine leg extension is to work the quadriceps, the front of the thighs. Here's how to hijack this machine to perform a hip thrust:

  • Sit between the seat and the roll. As with a bench hip thrust, the edge of the seat should come up to you at the widest part of your back.

  • Adjust the distance of the seat so that it sits at your hips.

  • Perform the classic hip thrust movement

It is not easy to position the bar or the weight during a bench hip thrust. By hijacking the leg extension machine, you can achieve hip trust putting on a lot of load without having to worry about positioning the load.

To know everything about the glutes: Grow your buttocks quickly: The program for muscular glutes

bandes élastiques

Smith machine hip thrust

Place a bench so that your upper back is positioned at the edge, and the barbell is guided at hip level. Position the safety wedges of the guided frame as low as possible.

For more comfort, consider positioning a foam sleeve or wrapping a towel around the guided bar. Unlock the guided frame safety and perform the classic hip thrust.

The main interest of hip thrust on the smith machine is to obtain support thanks to the guided frame.

An article to read also: 11 tips for losing hips for a woman

Hip thrust with elastic resistance band

Thanks to the elastic resistance bands, you can work your glutes in depth by performing the hip thrust. You will feel the resistance exerted pressure as you open your knees outward at the gluteus medius and minimus.

To perform the hip thrust using an elastic resistance band, place it just above the knees in the same position as the basic hip thrust. In a high position, perform an abduction movement by opening the knees outwards.

Most of the variants presented above can also be made using rubber bands for deeper work.

Also read: Fitness-Superhuman rubber band: User reviews

In summary: hip thrust

The hip thrust is a must for your glute workout. This simple movement works more than 80% of your muscles for concrete buttocks.There are many variations with or without equipment, on the ground or on a machine so that you never get tired of this exercise

Using elastic resistance bands is a considerable asset for more successful work, especially in the gluteus medius and minimus area.

So, ready to test the rubber bands for your hip thrust?


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The hip thrust is a strength training exercise that focuses on the glutes, activating nearly 80% of the muscles of the latter. This simple pelvic lift is essential for a glute session. The movement is...

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