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10 exercises for your bodybuilding program without equipment

10 exercises for your bodybuilding program without equipment

Do you want to follow a bodybuilding program without equipment? While weightlifting is beneficial for many reasons, it is not necessary to build strength and sculpt your body. For many people, training with your own weight is enough!

Whether you're working out at home or just want to rest the dumbbells for a bit, we've put together a list of 10 super effective exercises that don't require any weights. Practice your weight training program without equipment 2 to 3 times a week to see the first results!

The 10 best exercises for your no-equipment weight training program

Jacks with rotations

This is a twist on a jumping jack. Rotary jacks are a great way to start a equipment-free strength training program. They will increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles!

Start in a wide stance with flexible knees. Your arms should be extended straight out to your sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Keeping your arms straight and your head and neck still, lean forward at the hips and rotate your torso so that your right hand touches the floor.

Return to the starting position and jump to join your feet. Immediately jump back again, lean forward again and twist to the left, touching your hand to the floor. Return to initial position.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: Top 10 bodyweight training circuits

jumping jacks exercice

Board with taps

planks are a core exercise that provides full-body benefits. Adding taps to your lower body targets your abs even more. For your no-equipment weight training program, adopt a high plank position on your hands.

Make sure your abs are tight and your lower back is not sagging. Your neck and spine should be neutral. Lift your right hand off the floor and bring it back to your left thigh, tapping it with your fingers. Return to a plank and repeat.

For as much information as possible, don't hesitate to also read: Ab wheel: best abs accessory? Our opinion


Step-Ups will burn your lower half. In addition, they are also perfect for working on balance and stability! Start standing in front of a bench at knee height or take a step with your feet together.

Step onto the bench with your right foot, pushing through your heel and pushing your left knee up. Lower your left leg as you step back from the bench. Perform 10-15 reps with your right leg, then switch and repeat. This is a great exercise for people who want to work on their cardio in addition to their muscles.

Also, don't hesitate to read: Doing cardio at home: how to be effective?

Mountain climbers

No need for weights when you can do some sets of mountain climbers! Supporting your own body weightby combining this plank with the knee movement will work your muscles and your lungs will be on fire.

In your no-equipment strength training program, adopt a high plank position with your arms straight.Engaging your abs and keeping your spine and neck neutral, bring your right knee in toward your chest

Extend it and immediately bring your left knee towards your chest. Repeat for 30 seconds, going as fast as you can while maintaining good form.

For maximum results: Top 3 Cardio Jump Rope Workouts

mountain climber exercice

Jumping Squats

Plyometrics is an exercise that requires your muscles to exert a lot of force for a short period of time. A great example of this is jump squats for your no-equipment strength training program.

You'll get what you pay for with just a few sets! Be careful though: this is a high impact exercise, so if your joints are sensitive, do it with caution. Lower yourself into a squat position with your arms bent and your hands clasped in front of you.

Explode into a jump, push off and land on the balls of your feet. When you reach the ground again, crouch and repeat.

Find out more here: How to build your glutes with rubber bands in weight training?


Another type of high-impact plyometric exercise, burpees are a full-body movement that will burn calories quickly. Start by standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

Squat down moving your hands in front of you. As soon as they hit the floor, extend your legs back to find yourself in a high plank position. Immediately after reaching the high plank position, jump your feet up to your palms, hinging at the waist.

Get your feet as close to your hands as possible, placing them outside your hands if necessary. Stand up and immediately do a jump squat. After landing, extend your legs again continuing with steps 3-4.

For more results: Losing fat by doing abs: good or bad idea?

burpees exercice

Side Jumps

Lateral (side-to-side) movements are an important component of a well-balanced no-equipment strength-training program. Standing side jumps are great for hip and ankle mobility.

Start standing with your feet together and your arms bent at a 90 degree angle at your sides. Your knees should be flexible. Keeping your feet together, jump to the right, take off and land on the balls of your feet. As soon as you reach the ground, jump back to the left.


A classic pull-up is difficult to achieve, even for exercise enthusiasts. Its payoff is worth it, though. Use a pulling band to help and reap the same muscle benefits if you struggle.

Get under a pull-up bar and grab it with your hands, placing them slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lift your feet off the floor and hang from your arms, then pull yourself up by bending your arms and drawing your elbows toward the floor.

An article on this subject: Going for 50 pull-ups: how to progress?

tractions exercices

Pulse Squats

Holding a squat and pulsing (doing tiny squats) increases time under tension, or the amount of work your muscle does during a workout. hands clasped in front of you.

Raise slightly by pushing on your heels, then come back down. Repeat for 30 seconds. If you want to take your squats to the next level, this is the perfect move to stimulate your glutes.


Fundamental, yet potentially challenging, push-ups require upper body strength, as well as core and lower body stabilization. Easily modified (kneel down or run on an elevated surface like a bench), it's a universal exercise.

Start in a plank position with your pelvis tucked in, neck neutral, and palms directly under your shoulders. Also, make sure your shoulders are facing back and down. As you contract your abs, keep your back flat and begin to lower your body by bending your elbows while keeping them tucked into your body.

Go down until your chest touches the floor. Immediately extend your elbows and push your body up to the starting position.

Find out more here: 4 different positions to do a push-up

pompe exercice

What to do to progress during your bodybuilding program without equipment?

You will understand: you can increase your strength and lose weight by doing only bodyweight exercises. But what to do after a few months when you start to stagnate? After a while, the weight of your own body will no longer be enough to challenge your muscles.

In this case, you can turn to the Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands: with their modular resistance from 5 to 75kg, they are suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. It's a great way to exercise at home and give your muscles an extra challenge: you'll be able to progress more and gain more muscle mass.

For people who want to lose weight, you can replace fat with muscle more easily and burn more calories every day. In short, only advantages for your weight training program without equipment ! With more than 100 exercises you can do with these bands, you won't get bored and you can vary the sessions as much as you want.

bandes de résistance

In summary: Bodybuilding program without equipment

If you want to start a weight training program without equipment, the 10 exercises are absolutely perfect. They allow you to strengthen your entire body in just a few tens of minutes per session.

And you want to keep progressing? You can use resistance bands to challenge your muscles more: by working with more resistance, they will improve in terms of strength and speed.

All you have to do is start your equipment-free weight training program tomorrow, and our Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands will be there for when you want an extra challenge!


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<tc>Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance band set</tc>

Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance band set

Do you want to follow a bodybuilding program without equipment? While weightlifting is beneficial for many reasons, it is not necessary to build strength and sculpt your body. For many people, training with your own...

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