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Top 13 Elastic Band Exercises to Workout at Home

Top 13 Elastic Band Exercises to Workout at Home

Looking for resistance band exercises ? When it comes to workout tools, resistance bands are often underrated. Still, these stretchy braces offer a ton of benefits, including effective, low-impact strengthening.

In this article, discover 13 resistance band exercises that will seriously engage your muscles and get your heart pumping without straining your joints. You can easily do this workout at home and scale it up or down depending on your fitness level!

The 13 exercises with elastic band that we recommend

Side Band Squat

Start standing for this exercise with an elastic band wrapped just below the knees, feet below the hips and hands clasped in front of the chest.

Take a big step to the right, then bend your knees, sit up, and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Engage the glutes and drive the heels up to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. It is a repetition. Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: Doing squats every day: good or bad technique?

squat bande élastique

Banded Front Squat

Stand in the middle of the resistance band for this resistance band exercise, feet hip-width apart, holding one end of the band in each main.

Bend the arms to bring the hands next to the ears and raise the elbows until the triceps are parallel to the floor and narrow. This is your starting position.

Keeping the arms stationary, engage the trunk and bend the knees to lower the hips back until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Press down on the feet to extend the legs and return to standing.

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Single Leg Deadlift with Band

Begin standing on your left leg with your foot in the middle of a long resistance band and one end of the band in each hand.

Drive the hips back to the hinge at the waist while lowering the torso toward the floor and lifting the right leg behind the body until both are parallel to the floor.

To finish this resistance band exercise, cross the left heel to reverse the movement and return to the starting position. It is a repetition. Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move.

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bande élastique musculation

Side Squat to Cross Row

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Wrap a resistance band around the arch of the left foot and hold the ends in the right hand.

Bend the left knee only and lower the seat until the thigh is parallel to the ground, extending the right hand towards the left foot. Next, extend the left leg again, bending the right arm, elbow wide, and drawing the right hand up to chest height.

It's a rehearsal.Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move

For maximum results: How to build muscle at home with resistance bands?


Start lying on your left side for this resistance band exercisewith a resistance band wrapped around your thighs and your upper body supported on your left forearm.

Bend the legs so that the knees face forward while the feet are in line with the glutes. Keep the hips and feet still while lifting the top knee as far as possible toward the ceiling, then lower your back to start.

It's a rehearsal. Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move.

Our opinion on resistance bands: Bodybuilding rubber band: effective or not?

Bridge with hip abduction

Wrap a resistance band around your thighs and lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor and your arms by your sides pressing down on the mat.

This is your starting position. Contract your abs, then press through your heels and squeeze your glutes to raise your hips toward the ceiling. Pause, then spread your knees wide. Return to start. It's a repeat.

Also, don't hesitate to read: Top 8 best exercises for hip mobility

pont avec élastique

Split Band Shoulder Press

To begin this resistance band exercise, stand with your knees slightly bent, feet staggered, right foot forward and flat on the floor, left back (heel high), with the middle of your 'a resistance band looped under the arch of the right foot, hands grasping it by the extremities and elbows at the shoulders, bent at 90 degrees, palms facing inwards.

Press the hands above the head until the biceps frame the face. Hold for one second, then take three seconds to come back down to start. It's a repeat.

Also, don't hesitate to read: Top 10 best bodybuilding exercises without equipment

Bike Crunch

Lie on your back with a resistance band wrapped around your feet and hands on the floor at your sides. Curl your head, neck, and shoulder blades to look forward.

Keep the lower back connected to the floor, then pull the left knee towards the chest while simultaneously extending the right leg a few inches above the mat.

This is your starting position. Reverse the position of the legs by extending the left leg while pulling the right knee towards the chest. It's a repeat.

bande élastique musculation

Standing Triceps Extension

To begin this elastic band exercise, stand with your knees slightly bent, feet staggered, right foot forward and flat on the floor, left back (heel high), with the middle of your 'a looped resistance band under the arch of the right foot, hands grasping it by the ends and arms stretched upwards, palms facing each other.

Keep your upper arms still, bend your elbows and lower your hands just behind your head. Reverse movement to return to the start. It is a repetition.

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Board core with tap

Wrap a resistance band around your wrists and start in a high plank position for this resistance band exercise

Hold a strong core, then bring the right hand forward a few inches to tap the ground in front of the fingers. Return to start and repeat on left side. It's a repeat.

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gainage planche élastique


Lie on the floor with a resistance band wrapped around your ankles, lower back pressed flat against the floor, hands by your sides and head, neck and shoulders rolled up so as to look at the thighs. Raise your legs above your head.

This is your starting position. Lower the right foot to the floor, followed by the left, keeping the legs about a foot apart to maintain tension in the resistance band.

Once the right heel is a few inches above the mat, come back up. It is a repetition. Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move.

Bird dog

Start on all fours for this resistance band exercise, with a resistance band wrapped around both feet, left hand under left shoulder, and left leg and the right arm extended straight and parallel to the ground.

Next, pull in the right elbow and left knee to touch under the torso. Return to start. Do 30-45 seconds of reps on one side, then switch to the other before moving on to your next move.

bande élastique musculation

Penguin Crunch

Begin lying on your back for this stretch band exercise with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor holding a resistance band in your hands, arms extended overhead head so that the biceps frame the face.

Holding the tension in the resistance band, tighten your upper body to the right, then return to center and repeat to the left. It's a repeat.

bande élastique musculation

Which accessory for your exercises with elastic band?

To do all of these resistance band exercises, you need to find a sturdy, comfortable, and versatile resistance band to perform all of these moves.

To make life easier for athletes and offer them high quality equipment, we have developed our model of Elastic Bodybuilding Resistance Bands™. Delivered with a carrying bag and a user guide, you can perform more than 100 exercises with this model! The load is adjustable up to 75kg of resistance to suit both beginners and experienced athletes.

In a nutshell: Resistance band exercises

So we've revealed our 13 best exercises with elastic band to strengthen your lower body, upper body and abs. You get a homogeneous and complete musculature, you develop your strength and your endurance and you improve your sports performance.Result?

The same muscle gains as training in the gym! And if you combine the elastic band exercises with our Resistance Elastic Bands™ model, you have all the cards in hand. hand to achieve your goals!

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