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How to relieve aches naturally?

How to relieve aches naturally?

Are you looking for solutions to relieve body aches naturally? Have you ever felt an involuntary tension, hardness or swelling in a muscle?

This is called a muscle spasm. This type of cramps can happen to anyone for a variety of reasons and in many areas of your body. In most cases, body aches are caused by strenuous exercise and vigorous sport.

Patience, rest, gentle stretching and muscle massage can help relieve pain. Discover our solutions to relieve aches naturally!

7 foods that help relieve body aches naturally


Chamomile is an ancient herb that is used to treat a variety of ailments, including muscle spasms. It contains 36 flavonoids, which are compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.

You can massage chamomile essential oil into affected muscles to relieve body aches naturally. Chamomile tea can also help relax sore muscles.

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Cherry juice

People who enter marathons train vigorously, often putting a lot of stress on their muscles. Cherry juice can help fight the inflammation and muscle aches so common in runners.

Studies show that drinking tart cherry juice can minimize post-run pain. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities of the fruit help to relax musclesand relieve aches naturally.

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Blueberry Smoothies

Another gentle and natural way to relax your muscles is to eat blueberries. A recent study suggests that having a blueberry smoothie before and after exercise can help speed up recovery from muscle damage.

Blueberries have antioxidant powers and have been shown to decrease oxidative stress and inflammation to relieve body aches naturally. So don't hesitate to eat a smoothie in the morning or in the evening as a snack.

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Turmeric root has been shown to have great anti-inflammatory properties and many people add turmeric powder to sauces, smoothies or tea.

For many people, a daily curcumin supplement of 200mg to 1000mg is acceptable. Also keep an eye out for supplements that contain preservatives or other additives, such as gluten, dairy, and soy. By the way, a little extra tip: the benefits of turmeric are increased tenfold by pepper!

Cayenne pepper

Capsaicin, a substance found in cayenne pepper, is a natural muscle relaxant often recommended for people with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.

It can be added to foods, like in this recipe for Grilled Shrimp with Lime Cream, or you can find cayenne pepper in capsule and cream form

When used as a cream, you can apply it to areas affected by muscle spasms to relieve aches naturally.

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poivre de cayenne

Vitamin D

People who regularly experience pain or muscle spasms may have a vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin comes in many forms, including in the form of liquids, tablets and capsules.

You can also get it in foods like eggs, fish, and fortified milk. Regular sun exposure (without sunscreen, of course) is another way to get vitamin D!

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Magnesium is vital for human nutrition, as it maintains normal muscle and nerve function. Although rare, early symptoms in people deficient in this mineral include muscle aches.

This mineral is mainly found in foods such as bananas, almonds, legumes and brown rice. It is also available as a supplement to relieve aches naturally. In addition, magnesium is excellent for health while many adults suffer from deficiencies!

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6 daily reflexes to relieve aches naturally

Stay Active

Exercise is frequently associated with reduced arthritic joint pain. Keeping active and moving every day can reduce pain because exercise strengthens the muscles that support joints, prompts the body to produce pain-relieving endorphins, or both.

The type of exercise you do to relieve body aches naturally depends on your current level of fitness and other factors, such as where you live and whether you have access to a gym. Walking, pool exercises, and tai chi are considered joint-gentle and good for beginners.

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Eat more fiber

Research suggests that people who eat high fiber foods have less muscle soreness and soreness. Additionally, people who eat fiber-rich foods produce lots of short-chain fatty acids, which can help support a healthy balance of microbes in the digestive tract.

An imbalance of these same microbes, a condition called gut dysbiosis, is associated with a higher risk of body-wide inflammation and inflammatory arthritic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.Eating fiber is therefore a simple way to relieve aches naturally!

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Warm up painful joints

Applying heat to sore joints can ease your discomfort. It can increase blood flow to sore muscles, loosen stiff joints, and distract the brain from pain.

Try heat therapy using a hot water bottle, microwaveable gel-filled pad, electric heating pad, or even taking a hot bath.

To relieve aches naturally, you can also purchase a thermal wrap that can provide continuous low-level heat for several hours as you go about your day.

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Your body is designed for movement. Ironically, if you're not moving much because you're in pain, your inactivity can make the pain worse.

gentle stretching can help you maintain your mobility and range of motion and avoid pain. Your doctor or physical therapist can help you find suitable stretches and exercises to relieve aches naturally. So feel free to stretch in the morning and evening.

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Adopt good sleeping habits

Getting enough sleep is important to manage painand promote healing. Adopt habits that help you get restful and adequate sleep.

For example, make your bedroom quiet and dark, keep electronics out of the bedroom, and establish a regular schedule for going to bed and getting up.

Recovery is essential for muscle regeneration : you must therefore enjoy quality sleep (at least 8 hours) to allow your muscle tissue to rebuild after effort.


Meditation is a quick, easy and free way to relax. Here's a simple way to relieve aches naturally: choose a sound you like, sit or lie down in a comfortable place, close your eyes and repeat the sound in your mind.

You can also try guided meditation, which involves a source giving you suggestions to guide your meditative thoughts. Start with a few minutes of meditation per session. You can gradually lengthen your daily meditation time to 10, 20 or even 30 minutes.

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The essential accessory to relieve aches naturally

To relieve aches naturally, nothing beats the Intense Massage Gun™: it is a massage device that allows you to make your muscles disappear. soreness quickly while maximizing your muscle recovery. Take advantage of 3 working speeds to massage in depth according to your needs and 4 massage heads that adapt to each part of your body: for joints, muscles or even the aches themselves.

Combine daily use with the tips above to optimize your recovery, reduce pain and relieve your joints in just a few minutes only! No more painful aches, rusty joints and cold muscles before a training session: you improve your performance while taking care of your health

In summary: Relieve aches naturally

To relieve your aches naturally, there are different solutions: you can combine the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods with good daily reflexes and especially the use of the Massage Gun Intense™.

So you can say goodbye to those aches that ruin your training for 2 days and prevent you from training properly! This accessory is essential for all athletes who want to improve their sports performance while taking care of their health. Relieving body aches naturally has never been easier!

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Muscle massage gun™

Are you looking for solutions to relieve body aches naturally? Have you ever felt an involuntary tension, hardness or swelling in a muscle? This is called a muscle spasm. This type of cramps can happen...

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