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The ultimate guide to how to adjust your jump rope

The ultimate guide to how to adjust your jump rope

How adjust your skipping rope to make the most of all its benefits? Jumping rope can improve your heart health, increase your aerobic capacity, and challenge your muscles. But if you keep tripping over the rope, it can also test your patience.

Whether you're jumping rope for a warm-up or a complete workout, if the jump rope is too long or too short, you can quickly get discouraged. Discover in this article how to adjust your jump rope and find the right rope length for your workouts!

Why is it important to adjust your jump rope correctly?

Avoid injury while jumping

As far as injuries are concerned, consider the most used joint with a skipping rope: the wrists. If you exercise with your ill-fitting rope, it can cause an overwork of the small muscles that protect the wrist joint.

When this inflammation occurs, it will be nearly impossible for you to train effectively. Another possible consequence of setting your jump rope incorrectly is that you could trip if you set it too short, land poorly, and injure your ankle. This is why it is important to adjust your skipping rope, especially for beginner athletes.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: Top 3 cardio workouts with jump rope

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Do not suffer from energy inefficiency

The second consequence of the use of an ill-fitting rope is the inefficiency of the movement and the resulting useless energy expenditure for the athlete.

It can also cause you to get used to using the wrong form of execution of the movement during workouts, which would prevent you from getting the most out of your effort and progressing steadily in technique and speed.

Therefore, tuning your jump rope will make you more efficient in your workouts and help you achieve better results with less effort!

For as much information as possible: Skipping rope for weight loss: Your slimming ally

Protecting your equipment

Incorrect adjustment of your rope will affect wear and maintenance of the rope. Keep in mind that if the rope is longer than it should be, it can also lead to significant cable wear due to excessive friction with the ground.

The end result is an economical expenseof parts and accessories, which is often unnecessary or could have been significantly delayed. Adjusting your jump rope helps protect your equipment and gives it a longer life.

Even if it's an economical accessory, buying a rope every two months because the other is too worn requires a hell of a budget for the year! It's better to take care of your equipment from the start.

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Adjust your skipping rope in 5 steps

Is your jump rope too long? Adjusting your jump rope is not that difficult when you know how to adjust the length according to your height and your morphology.Here's how to do it in 5 easy steps:

  • Stand in the middle of your rope: place both of your feet in the middle of the rope, leaving a 1cm space between your feet Each end of the rope should be an equal length from the midpoint to give you an accurate length of the string.

  • Pull the rope taut: Pull the rope up so it's taut and hold the handles firmly. Look down to see where the handles come to your chest.

  • Measure where the handles come in : for beginners in jump rope, the top of the handles should reach the armpit below. And if you're a pro, your jump rope handles should reach your nipple line. We recommend that your rope handles be approximately 3cm from your collarbone.

  • Adjust the length of your rope: Adjust the length of your rope by pulling the rope through one of the handles. Loosen the retaining screw and move it so that it holds the string at the correct length. Tighten the screw and check that the rope is now the correct length. You may need to repeat this step several times until you are satisfied with the length of the jump rope.

  • Cut the excess thread: Once you are happy with the new length of the rope, cut the excess thread with wire cutters. Remember to keep the little cap on the end of the rope so you can put it on the new end to prevent the yarn from fraying.

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How do you avoid the problem of having to adjust your jump rope?

Yes, adjusting a classic jump rope requires a few tools and a good grasp of your accessory. But you know what can help you avoid all these worries? An adjustable skipping rope! With just a few adjustments, this type of skipping rope offers you the possibility to adjust the length of the rope easily.

For example, our Steel Pro Skipping Rope ™ is suitable for all body types and all sizes up to 2 meters. The rope length can be adjusted in a few moments to best accompany you in your training session. In addition, it is light and easy to carry everywhere. You can even train together and adjust the jump rope anew each time to match everyone's build.

TheFast 360° Ball Bearing< Professional-grade t4> offers smooth, effortless rotation and the ergonomic handles are gentle on your joints. With this type of fitness accessory, the problem of knowing how to adjust your jump rope is far behind you!

Adjusting your jump rope: The benefits of a properly adjusted jump rope

Burn Calories Fast

Very few exercises burn calories like jumping rope. Even jumping at a very moderate pace burns 10-16 calories per minute. Adjusting your skipping rope and training for just 30 minutes can burn around 480 calories! It is much faster and more efficient than going for a jog for similar results in terms of energy expenditure.

An article about it: Lose your lower back fat: 9 tips

Improving agility and speed

Do you want to be lighter and faster on your presses? Skip the rope every day for a few minutes.When you jump rope on the balls of your feet, the body connects with the mind to make neural muscle adjustments and keep you balanced

Essentially, jump rope improves your agility and coordination by allowing your mind to focus on your feet for extended periods of time, even when you are unaware of them. Boxers know this, which is why they train so much with the jump rope to be effective in the ring!

For maximum advice: Skipping rope in CrossFit: Your best ally?

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Increase bone density

The medium impact of jumping rope increases bone density, but isn't as hard on your joints as running, as the impact of each jump is absorbed by the two legs.

According to Dr. Daniel W. Barry, a researcher who has studied the bones of the elderly and athletes, the latest studies show that simple jumping is one of the best exercisesto improve bone density. Adjusting your skipping rope and exercising regularly helps prevent bone aging and improve your health.

Boost your brain

We know that exercise (even for as little as 20 minutes) is good for the brain. But did you know that activities with both physical and mental demands (such as ballroom dancing or skipping rope) have greater impacts on cognitive functioning than exercise alone? (like treadmill or stationary bike) ?

It turns out that the best workouts forbrain healthinvolve coordination, rhythm and strategy. So, the next time you jump rope, challenge yourself to tune your jump rope and give it your all for the health of your neurons!

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: Jump rope and boxing: How to become a better boxer?

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In summary: Adjusting your jump rope

Adjusting your skipping rope is crucial to ensuring safe training, avoiding injuries, protecting your equipment and not suffering the energy inefficiency resulting from a bad skipping rope adjusted. By following the 5 simple steps outlined in this article, you can adjust a traditional jump rope to suit you.

But if you don't feel like the hassle, just opt ​​for an adjustable jump rope like the Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope! You save time and therefore your efforts pay off more quickly. You will then be able to take full advantage of the benefits of this physical exercise without having to worry about misadjusting your skipping rope.


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Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope
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Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope

How adjust your skipping rope to make the most of all its benefits? Jumping rope can improve your heart health, increase your aerobic capacity, and challenge your muscles. But if you keep tripping over the...

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