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6 tips for choosing the right size jump rope

6 tips for choosing the right size jump rope

Ensuring the size of your jump rope is the correct length makes all the difference in performance. A jump rope that is too long can slow down the speed, while a jump rope that is too short can be difficult to grip. It is important to consider why you are jumping rope and your level of experience when determining the right length of rope.

Sizing a jump rope yourself can be a hassle, but luckily there are great adjustable jump ropes that don't require you to cut a cable or adjust screws to adjust them ! In this article, we explain how to determine the right size jump rope according to your level and your physical activity!

How to choose the right size jump rope?

For beginners

If you are new to skipping rope, you will definitely want to make sure that the size of your jump rope is set correctly. Accurate length will give you the best chance of success.

The main reason why this factor is so important when you're just starting out is that the wrong length will make it 10 times harder to exercise: you'll constantly trip over the rope and chances are you'll hated her.

You will easily lose patience, whereas a very small adjustment would be enough to make you appreciate this sport! It is better for beginners to use a little longer rope.

In effect, a longer rope reduces the speed of each rotation, allowing inexperienced jumpers to time their jumps and find their rhythm more easily. For a beginner, there should be about 45-60cm between the top of the jumper's head and the rope as it passes.

taille corde à sauter

For CrossFit

When it comes to CrossFit and other fitness-based jump rope routines, the size of your jump rope should allow for speed and efficiency. You want to spin the rope as fast as possible with the least amount of resistance and effort: this is achieved by using a slightly shorter rope.

Common moves in CrossFit, like double jumps and knee raises, require you to spin the rope quickly. To perform these operations correctly, you want a minimum of extra play. You'll probably struggle to get this kind of result if you use a string that's too long.

For CrossFit, there should be about 15-30cm between the top of the jumper's head and the rope as it passes.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: The skipping rope in CrossFit: Your best ally?

For boxing

As for boxing, Freestyle jump rope or training in other martial arts, it is best to size your jump rope with extra length.

When training in these disciplines, you will likely perform tasks such as crossovers, side sweeps, etc. With these types of moves, extra margin is essential for success.

For the boxing and freestyle jump rope size, it is best to leave about 30-60cm between the top of the jumper's head and the rope when passing it.

An article about it: Jump rope and boxing: How to become a better boxer?

entrainement boxe corde a sauter

For double dutch

The double dutch, for those of you unfamiliar, uses two strings both of the same length. The strings are wound in opposite directions by two turners, one on each side. A third person, the jumper, stands between the two turners and jumps the ropes. It is a game commonly played by elementary school children. He also has an entire category dedicated to him in many jump rope tournaments.

When it comes to Double Dutch, the size of your jump rope depends on how many people you have. It's also important to make sure there's enough distance between people spinning the rope to keep everyone safe.

Assuming there is only one jumper, the ideal length of each jump rope is 360cm. When adding a second jumper, 420cm ropes are best. And for three jumpers, use 460 cm ropes.

For as much information as possible: How to determine the right length for your jump rope?

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For the competition

When it comes to competition jump rope, most tournaments have pretty strict guidelines on jump rope size. String length, however, is often the competitor's choice.

In most tournaments, athletes can use a variety of different strings and lengths. The category in which you participate and your preferences will help you determine the best length of your jump rope. It is always best to consult the tournament manual before deciding on the length. Here are the ideal lengths for the three most common categories:

  • Speed ​​competition: the length must not exceed 15 cm between the top of the jumper's head and the rope when it passes.
  • Double Unders competition: the ideal length is 15 to 30 cm between the jumper's head and the rope when it passes.
  • Freestyle competition: the perfect length is between 15 and 30 cm between the jumper's head and the rope as it passes.

Also read: Top 3 jump rope cardio workouts

For children

There aren't as many options for kids as there are for adults when it comes to jump ropes. And, more often than not, they are fixed in size with no ability to change the length.

So when you go to pick up a jump rope for your kid, make sure you pay close attention to the size of the jump rope. Yes, it can complicate the search for the perfect rope. However, it saves you from having to size it once you open it.

That said, it's in your child's best interest to find him a rope that's as appropriately sized as possible for his height. For children under 120 cm tall, it is best to use a 180 cm long rope. For children up to 150cm, a 210cm jump rope should work just fine.

corde a sauter enfant

How to adjust the size of your jump rope?

Manual adjustment

We'll start by walking you through the jump rope sizing process which requires you to cut the cable to the desired length.

These ropes typically use wire rope, so it's likely you'll need a pair of wire cutters to get the job done Depending on the material and thickness of the rope, you might be able to get away with some scissors. Here are the steps to follow:

  • open the skipping rope and untangle the cable;
  • stand in the center of the cable and bring the handles to your armpits;
  • mark the desired length and cut with cutting pliers;
  • tighten the screw until the cable is secure;
  • jump rope and check that everything is working fine.

For more information: What are the benefits of jumping rope and how can you take advantage of them?

Adjustable skipping rope

Yes, there are jump ropes that don't require you to cut wires and assemble the various elements as best you can. The adjustable jump ropes size is perfectly adjustable in just a few moments so you don't have to worry about all that stuff! The adjustable jump ropes also make it easy to share with friends and family who are not the same height as you.

For example, our Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope quickly adapts to all sizes and body types. In addition, it is a fitness accessory that lasts longer due to its versatility. Light and easy to carry, this skipping rope is ergonomic and antiperspirant for greater comfort of use.

As you become more proficient with your jump rope, you may decide to lengthen the cable for freestyle jump rope or shorten it for more speed! So it's a great way to progress.

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In summary: The size of a skipping rope

The size of your jump rope is therefore crucial to ensure your safety, but also the quality of your physical performance. The more the length of the rope is adapted to your morphology, the more efficient you will be in your exercise!

The ideal size depends on your level and the type of sports activity you practice: beginners, CrossFit enthusiasts, double dutch amateurs, competitors or even children do not all need the same size rope length !

But to make it easier for you to change the size of your jump rope according to your desires, choose an adjustable rope like our Steel Pro™ Jump Rope !


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Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope

Ensuring the size of your jump rope is the correct length makes all the difference in performance. A jump rope that is too long can slow down the speed, while a jump rope that is...

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