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Top 7 exercises with wooden gymnastic rings

Top 7 exercises with wooden gymnastic rings

Wooden gymnastic rings are appearing more and more in gyms. However, many athletes mistakenly believe that these fitness accessories are only for athletes who use them in competition, such as gymnasts or CrossFit competitors.

In fact, anyone can use these rings and enjoy them! They simultaneously help to gain strength, stability and coordination like no other accessory.

So, what are the basic movements to perform with wooden gymnastic rings, and how to use them in bodybuilding? Where to install them for perfect security, and which model to choose? You will know everything in this article!

3 basic movements of wooden gymnastic rings

Supporting your weight

This position does not look difficult at first, but it requires a lot of strength and endurance to be able to hold it.

Most athletes start with their arms straight held close to their sides, but gymnasts aim to rotate their hands until their palms are facing forward, locking their elbows for better efficiency .

anneaux gymnastique

Practice with 5-10 second holds, then move on to using it for dips. That is, between each repetition, you try to hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds at the top of the movement. We also advise you to consult: Weighted vest: How to train to gain power?

You'll probably struggle to do 5 at first, but it's extremely effective for building your arms and abs with these wooden gymnastic rings.

Sitting in L

The L-sit is the most effective abs movement that you are (probably) not doing. In addition to working your midsection, it improves the health of your shoulders and also strengthens your arms.

Get into the support position as explained above, and place your legs parallel to the ground. If this phase is too difficult, you should start with your legs bent or extended one at a time. In addition you can read: Abs Wheel: How to get defined abs?

Work up to 10-15 seconds on each variation before moving on to the next. The wooden gymnastic rings are one of the most complete bodybuilding accessories, and it would be a shame to deprive yourself of their benefits!

Lever movement

This movement of forward lever is very difficult. But the advantage is that even just 5 seconds of support can strengthen your abs, lower back and muscles requisitioned for pull-ups.

So this move is a powerful mass generator! Go gradually: start with holds of 30 to 60 seconds on the ground, with the feet and the shoulder blades above the ground.

Then switch to the suspension of the wooden gymnastic rings, and try to place your back parallel to the ground, with your legs bent, by pulling on the rings. Now, simply straighten those legs and try to get your whole body parallel to the ground, using arm strength alone.If you want to know more: How to gain pure strength and progress quickly?

4 bodybuilding exercises with wooden gymnastic rings

Pumps with rings

This is one of the most basic exercises that can be done with the wooden gymnastic rings instead of a suspension trainer The rings then help to develop power and the pushing force. For physical and aesthetic purposes, they greatly help in shaping the chest and arms.

Some subtle advantages exist over TRX straps: gymnastic rings allow greater width and depth in the exercise.

This means they can easily evolve into deficit flyes or push ups. The difficulty can also be modulated by increasing the height of the rings. To perform the movement, place your feet against a wall or on the floor with your hands in the rings. An article that can help you: How many push-ups should I do per day to get results?

From there, a push-up is performed by bending the arms and shoulders until the hands are in line with the chest. Then, push through the rings to straighten your arms again, until they are straight. It's a repeat.

Pull-ups with rings

This exercise has a relatively unique benefit when performed with wooden gymnastic rings. If you start pull-ups with your palms facing outward and rotate them inward as you pull, you can increase upper body muscle activation more than with anything another pull-up move!

You will therefore rapidly gain strength and build muscle mass in your back. Here, this exercise is very difficult to do with traditional TRX straps due to their shape and design. If the movement is too difficult to start, you can use your feet to help you with the movement.

Conversely, to make it harder, weight can easily be added with a dumbbell or a weighted belt. Want to try? We invite you to consult: Military Weighted Vest Load 50KG

Dips with rings

Performing this third exercise is ideal with wooden gymnastic rings. Indeed, the size and shape of the rings make it possible to reach a greater depth and make the exercise more pleasant for the shoulders.

You must first lift your body off the ground. From there, bend your elbows until a slight stretch is felt on the front shoulder. Next, your arms should be fully extended, while your body remains straight.

For those unwilling or unable to perform this move, your feet can be placed on a bench or platform for additional support. If you want to know everything about it: Bodyweight mass gain: what bodybuilding program?

Like the pull-up exercise, it can also be made more difficult by adding weight to your body.

Tucked knee raises with rings

While the moves above have focused on the upper body, this exercise with wooden gymnastic rings works the abdominals. The stability required to perform this move makes it a difficult exercise for beginners.

Fortunately, it can be made easier by bending the knees inward towards the chest. You can slowly progress by straightening the legs and putting more pressure on the abs and arms.

To start, you must be in a suspended position on the rings, with your hands facing inwards. Your body is then lifted until it is parallel to the floor. Bring your knees inward, bringing them up between the rings. An article to discover: 8 best abs exercises for the obliques in bodybuilding

This position is then held for as long as possible before returning to the suspended position, or you can do several repetitions alternating between the initial position and the knee lift.

Installation of wooden gymnastic rings

Where to hang them?

Wooden Gymnastic Rings require little space, but this fitness accessorycan't be installed just anywhere!

In fact, hanging them on an unstable surface could be dangerous for you in the event of a fall. Here are some things to consider when choosing where to place your rings:

  • Don't just look for something high enough to support your rings. Look for something strong enough to support your body weight.

  • Find a space where you can hang your rings 3 or 4 meters high and adjust the length of your rings to shoulder width or slightly wider.

  • Give yourself enough free space, both in height and width, to perform straight body movements.

  • Make sure your straps are long enough to hang low so you can do push-ups, planks and other moves.

Which model to choose?

Here, we won't recommend anything other than the #1 on the market gym rings: the CrossFit Musculation™ Wooden Gymnastic Rings of Super-Human™ Fitness!

Made with high quality materials such as core steel, these wooden rings guarantee strength and safety. They have adjustable safety straps that can support up to 150 kg, with markings to be able to balance both sides perfectly.

Depending on your needs, you can choose between 28mm or 32mm rings. You will finally be able to exceed your limits and progress like never before!

anneaux gymnastique

In summary: wooden gymnastic rings

wooden gymnastic rings are not just for gymnasts, on the contrary! They make a great fitness accessory to use during your strength workouts.

Easier than TRX straps, you can choose to exercise with basic gymnastics movements, or with variations of resistance exercises.

The level of difficulty is generally adjustable, to allow everyone to progress. Either way, you'll build muscle and strengthen your upper body and abs. Hang them in a safe place, with space, to facilitate your movements.

Regarding the model, we recommend the CrossFit Musculation™ wooden gymnastic rings from Fitness Super-Humain™, number 1 on the French market for its quality!


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Wooden gymnastic rings are appearing more and more in gyms. However, many athletes mistakenly believe that these fitness accessories are only for athletes who use them in competition, such as gymnasts or CrossFit competitors. In...

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