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4 tips for how to jump rope

4 tips for how to jump rope

How to jump rope ? Skipping is a simple, easy-to-learn activity that's great for fitness and can be done just about anywhere.

To learn the basic jump and train effectively (without injury) when you are a beginner, it is necessary to understand the movement and choose suitable equipment.

Whether you want to lose weight, improve your endurance and refine your muscles, it's ideal! In this article, we will therefore explain to you how to jump rope if you have never done one.

How to jump rope: Before you start

Before you start knowing how to jump rope, here are some tips to start this physical activity in the best conditions:

  • Choose the right skipping rope: For beginners, we recommend a simple beaded skipping rope or a licorice skipping rope. These ropes are inexpensive, durable, and relatively slow (unlike a speed rope, which is very fast and more suitable for advanced jumpers).

  • Size your rope: Because speed is not the goal, a longer rope is ideal for beginners. It slows things down and allows more than perfect timing. To size your rope, place your feet in the middle of the jump rope. The bottom of the jump rope handles should reach your armpit.

  • Choose the right surface: Jumping rope should be a low impact activity. Jump on an outdoor mat or a forgiving indoor surface. Hardwood floors are best because they give you a bit more bounce and are easier on the knees. If possible, avoid concrete (unforgiving) and carpet (this will cause your rope to bounce and you'll have to jump higher to clear it).

In parallel, read also: How to determine the right length of jump rope?

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How to Jump Rope: The Basics of Movement

To learn basic jumping, here are some useful strategies to get you started. The single jump is the absolute foundation of skipping rope.

Become an expert in simple rebounding then learn more difficult skills: you will see that the progression is not so complicated! To know how to jump rope, here are the main steps:

  • Start with your hands in a good position: Grab the handles loosely with your fingers, not your palms. You want to avoid giving your handles a "death grip". A loose grip will allow for a natural, more efficient turn of the jump rope and allow for greater speed. Hold the jump rope in front of you with your hands together and your elbows close to your body.

  • Practice a toe hold : place the rope behind you and twist the jump rope over your head. Grab the jump rope under your toes and lift your heels and let it out under your feet.

    Repeat these moves until you feel comfortable spinning the rope and letting go. 'catch under your feet. The key to learning any physical skill is repetition: teach your muscles a move and create a memory of how to do it. In jump rope, practicing correct movements is the key to learning.

  • Pretend to jump: Jumping rope is all about timing the turn of the rope with your jump Try taking an imaginary jumping rope and pretend to spin it above your head and jump to the rope with it.

    Yes, you'll look silly, but it's a great way to practice your jumping and movement form. Jump on the balls of your feet with your body fairly straight. Your heels shouldn't touch the floor and your elbows should be close to your sides with your wrists doing the work, not your arms. Continue for several minutes. Once you feel comfortable with the movement, move on to the next step.

  • Try timing: Another great way to practice proper timing is to place both handles of the rope in one hand and turn the rope around to your side and jump. Try to coordinate the two movements and, if possible, have someone watch you to make sure the timing is correct.

  • Jump for real : Now it's time to give it a try with a real jump rope. Be patient with yourself and take it easy. Challenge yourself to do one jump, then two jumps, then three, etc. Always try to improve your personal record. Improvement will come quickly with persistent practice. Don't give up!

Also, don't hesitate to read: 5 tips for losing fat and adopting healthy habits

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How to Jump Rope: Common Mistakes

Despite its apparent ease, the exercise of the jump rope is often poorly performed due to errors in the form of execution of the movement. We find in particular:

  • Too many arms, not enough wrist : Don't swing your arms to spin the rope. Use your wrists instead. Your hands should be held close to the front of your hip bones with your wrist doing the majority of the work. The elbows perform a small pumping motion in combination with the work of the wrists. The only exception to this is that your very first turn of the rope will require some arm movement. You don't want your arms sticking out of your body.

  • Bent Back Jump: You want to jump straight up and down with your buttocks and hamstrings absorbing the shock. Good form is all about creating a good athletic arch in your lower back with your shoulders back.

    The biggest mistake most people make is leaning forward and hunching your shoulders. The only time this is allowed is in competitive speed jumping (doing 6-7 jumps per second) where the competitor must lean forward to reduce the path the rope travels.

  • Jumping too high and/or kicking your heels: Jump only a few centimeters off the ground. The cord or cable is no more than 5mm in diameter, so you don't have to make big jumps. Jumping rope should be a very low impact activity.

  • The Double Bounce: Double Bounces (where you hope to jump twice between each turn of the rope) can become a bad habit and hard to break. Increase the speed of the rope and force yourself to do a single bounce. Pause between jumps and do not allow two jumps between turns.

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How to jump rope: the choice of equipment

The Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope is designed for high performance beginners, which means it's thin , light, fast and comfortable It certainly spins easier and moves much faster than your typical rope!

The rope length is adjustable to adapt to all sizes and body types up to 2m: you can therefore easily adjust the length according to your needs. The handles are ergonomic and non-slip, soft and more natural to grip. You will also have more speed control and the professional ball bearings also allow smooth rotation.

You get a quality rope at a more than competitive price on the French market! To learn to jump rope, this is the ideal model: it will follow you for years in your progress in order to continue to challenge you over the training sessions.

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In summary: How to jump rope?

Knowing how to jump rope is not very difficult once you have mastered the basics. But there are still precautions to be taken to avoid making the mistakes that most athletes realize and to succeed in exercise in complete safety without compromising the effectiveness of the exercise. 'drive.

With the advice provided in this article and the Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope, you are already one step ahead on other athletes and there is a good chance that you will quickly go from beginner to intermediate status in the field of jumping rope. Now that you know how to jump rope, there are no more excuses for not getting started!


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Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope
Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope

Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope

How to jump rope ? Skipping is a simple, easy-to-learn activity that's great for fitness and can be done just about anywhere. To learn the basic jump and train effectively (without injury) when you are...

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