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Top 8 exercises for your abs session

Top 8 exercises for your abs session

Looking for exercises to build a super effective abs and glutes workout? We present to you 8 movements that will allow you to strengthen the abs and the glutes at the same time!

Indeed, this type of training challenges several parts of your body. It is therefore ideal when you are short on time, but still want to do some weight training.

In addition, building strong abs and glutes is vital for every athlete, as these muscles are often called upon in multi-joint movements. Discover without further delay our selection of the best exercises for your abs and buttocks workout!

Why combine exercises with a gluteal abs session?

Your gluteal and abdominal muscles may not seem to be working together, but a gluteal ab workout is a strategic way to strengthen your muscles safely and effectively .

During a bodybuilding movement, it is rare that you use only one and only one muscle. Most exercises are polyarticular, i.e. they use several muscles and several joints. So your body is a machine, with muscle tissue working as a team.

Having strong glutesstrengthens your entire posterior chain (the muscles along the back of your body), including your lower back. However, the lumbar are also often involved in abdominal exercises. We invite you to read: Ab wheel best abs accessory? Our opinion

So you benefit from a stimulating muscle routine, with movements that help you become more efficient in the gym, but also in everyday life: running, walking, keep your balance, have a good posture, etc.

sangle cheville

8 best moves for an effective gluteal ab workout?

The bird dog

The first exercise of your gluteal ab workout is the bird dog, in a dynamic version. Start on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

Contract your belly, then lift your left arm and right leg, until they are both extended parallel to the rest of your body.

bird dog séance abdo fessier

Keeping your spine aligned, then bring your elbow to your knee, then return to the starting position with your leg and arm straight again. This is one rep, and we recommend doing 15 on each side, with 4 sets.

The fire hydrant

This is an extremely effective exercise for building up your glutes. If you want to get shapely and rounded buttocks, this is the move you must add to your gluteal ab workout! Start by getting on all fours.


Keeping your right leg bent at 90 degrees, lift your leg towards your right side, stopping at hip height. Return to starting position to complete one repetition. We advise you to consult: How to use elastic bands in bodybuilding?

To add a bit of difficulty, you can also work with a elastic band to add resistance.


Very well known and regularly included in abdo and buttocks sessions, this exercise also helps to strengthen your lower back.Again, you start out on all fours on your mat

Keep your right leg bent at 90 degrees and lift it into the air until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.

kick back fessier

Flex your right foot and come up as if you want to leave your mark on the ceiling. Reverse the movement to return to the start. To work deep, complete 4 sets of 12-15 reps on each side. We also invite you to read: Ankle strap in bodybuilding: TOP 5 lower body exercises

The dynamic bridge

The bridge is a very effective exercise to muscle the gluteus maximus, and therefore “raise” the buttocks. It also slims the waistline and obtains a flatter tummy, as the dynamic versionengages the abs at the top of the movement. To perform the movement correctly, lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

Also rest your arms on the floor, palms down. Raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line between your shoulders and your knees (and thus a sort of bridge).

pont dynamique

Contract your abs and lift your right knee towards your chest, maintaining a 90 degree angle with your leg. Then lower it back to bridge position and repeat with the other leg. In parallel you can read: How to widen and strengthen your hips naturally?

In your gluteal ab workout, try to complete 4 sets of 12-15 reps on each side.

The overhead cossack squat

The squat is very effective for strengthening the lower body, especially the quadriceps and glutes. To bring an abdominal dimension to the movement, you have to add upper body work.

You will therefore have to lift a weight above your head while performing your squat. So start by standing straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and a kettlebell in each hand (you can also grab a two-handed barbell). We advise you to consult: The crossfit weighted bag: How does it work?

Hold the kettlebells in front of your chest, then raise your right arm in the air, biceps next to your ear. Lift your left foot and take a big step to the left. Do a side squat and lower yourself until your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible.

overhead cossack squat

Straighten your left leg and complete the same movement with the opposite arm and right leg. This is an exercise at a slightly higher level than the others, so for your first abdo and buttocks sessions, we advise you to start with a light weight

One-legged deadlift

The deadlift is very useful for strengthening the inner muscles of your glutes. Stand on your left leg, right palm facing your thighs, holding a kettlebell.

Extend your left arm out to the side for balance. Keep your left leg slightly bent. Lean forward, lifting your right leg behind you until your torso is parallel to your mat and your kettlebell almost touches the floor.

soulevé de terre à une jambe

Sink your left heel to return to standing on both legs. Less common, this exercise is nevertheless your slimming ally for your abdo and buttocks session, because it tones the whole body and increases the strength of your stabilizing muscles .We also advise you to read: Abs Wheel: How to get defined abs?

The semi-circle extension

Our penultimate exercise for your gluteal ab workout focuses on the back of your body, with your buttocks and lower back. Get on all fours on your mat.

Extend your left leg behind your body so that it is slightly higher than hip height. Flex your left foot and lower it down the left side of your body, just outside your shoulder, until your toes touch the floor.

extension en demi cercle

Next, lift your leg up in an arching motion and touch your toes to the floor on the right side of your right foot. Your foot then makes a semi-circle. Finish for 4 sets of 12-15 reps on each side.

The pistol squat

The pistol squat is a more difficult and dynamic version of the squat. It works each leg separately to activate the muscles more intensely. For this exercise, you will need a support, such as a chair or a bench. So sit on your stand with a dumbbell held in both hands in front of your chest. We invite you to also read: Polyarticular movements: your strength training asset

Raise your right foot so that it is hovering above the ground. Push your left heel and rise to stand on one leg, while bringing your right leg to a 90 degree angle at hip height.

 pistol squat

Reverse the movement and go back to sit on the support, still with the strength of one leg. Don't let yourself down and control your descent.

Your back should stay straight and you shouldn't arch it. This was the last exercise that we advise you to include in your abdo buttocks session!

How to intensify your abs and buttocks sessions?

We recommend that you perform these exercises at bodyweight first to familiarize yourself with the movements, then add resistance with additional weight.

The Super-Human Fitness™ Cross-Training and Strength Training™ Weighted Bag is ideal for this. The load is adjustable from 5 to 30 kg to adapt to all levels. This weight training accessory is practical and durable, with non-slip cuffs. It is also guaranteed for life!

Perfect for beginners and experienced athletes, this sandbag allows you tointensify your abs and buttocks sessions and improve your physical condition!

sangle cheville

In summary: the gluteal abs session

A gluteal ab workout is built with exercises targeting the glutes, abs, or both at the same time! This allows you to have a stimulating and fast workout, which you will not get tired of.

The goal is to strengthen the entire middle part of your bodyto improve your strength, your balance, but also your posture. You will observe marked improvements, both in terms of your physics and your well-being!

To progress quickly, train with additional resistance, such as the Fitness Super-Human™ Cross-Training and Strength Training™ Weight Bag. So, ready for your first abdo buttocks session?


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Looking for exercises to build a super effective abs and glutes workout? We present to you 8 movements that will allow you to strengthen the abs and the glutes at the same time! Indeed, this...

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