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What are the benefits of jumping rope and how to benefit from it?

What are the benefits of jumping rope and how to benefit from it?

The benefits of skipping rope are not just for boxers! Easy to carry and inexpensive, this sports accessory is accessible to everyone, and at all levels.

It's a very effective way to exercise and burn calories in a very short time. And the skipping rope not only has benefits for your physique: it brings many other benefits to those who practice it, including one of the most surprising! But then, how do you train well with a jump rope ?

Discover without further delay the 5 main benefits of jumping rope for your body and your health, as well as our advice for optimizing your sessions!

Top 5 benefits of jumping rope

Weight loss

Did you know that jumping rope burns more calories than running? We are here on a ratio of almost twice as much: for 15 minutes of jumping rope, you expend as much energy as for 30 minutes of jogging.

However, to lose weight, the principle is simple: you must consume fewer calories than you expend. Following a calorie deficitor adhering tointermittent fastingmay slightly slow down your metabolism. The jump rope is a great solution to this problem!

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In record time, you burn calories and you speed up your metabolism! The slimming action of the jump ropeis therefore one of its main benefits. We advise you to read: 10 fat-burning smoothie recipes to lose weight

Better coordination

The first benefit of skipping rope is to improve your coordination. Indeed, you must then consciously focus on your feet, which your brain usually does unconsciously.

jumping over and over again makes you lighter and more responsive. Your supports are trained, and therefore faster.

For example, if you are training for an obstacle course, the jump rope is a great help. The more you practice, the more coordinated you become .

Reduced risk of ankle injury

The skipping rope is beneficial for those who practice other sports. Many basketball, tennis, football and other athletes often suffer from foot and ankle injuries.

Indeed, these are sports where you have to run, stop quickly, turn, accelerate, etc. The load imposed on your supports is therefore very high. One of the benefits of skipping rope is therefore to increase your muscle strengtharound your ankle joint and foot. This drastically reduces the risk of injury. An article about it: TOP 5 best ankle strengthening exercises

Skipping rope is an activity that teaches its participants to stay on their tiptoes, rather than being flat or on their heels. And since you're on your toes all the time, it will become easier and easier when practicing your sport.Like a reflex!

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Increase in your brain capacity

Did this benefit surprise you? Howcould skipping ropemake you smarter?

Well, the action of jumping promotes the development of the left and right hemispheres of your brain. This helps to improve your spatial awareness, your reading skills, your memory: in short, you are more mentally alert than before.

Furthermore, jumping on tiptoe requires muscular and neural adjustments, and therefore increased mind/body cooperation, to counteract the imbalances created by continuous jumping.

Better overall health

The best exercise for improving bone density is simply jumping and landing.

Of course, your bones must initially be strong enough to support your weight and the impact of the jumps. But other than that, there's not much more to jump rope to strengthen your bones! You are therefore less likely to fracture or suffer from osteoporosis as you age.

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And the results are quick to measure: in just a few months of regular practice, the bones are already stronger and stronger. The other benefit of skipping rope for your overall health is the improvement of your cardiovascular capacity. You can also consult: Should you do your cardio before or after your weight training session

This type of physical activity is highly recommended for conditioning and endurance. In order to increase your heart and lung health, it is recommended to jump rope3 to 5 times a week for 12 to 20 minutes.

Training with a jump rope and enjoying its benefits

The different types of exercise

One of the tricks to not getting bored when training with a skipping rope is to vary up the exercises. There is indeed a wide variety of jumps, and this allows you to challenge your body all the more.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, you will be able to sculpt a harmonious figure and work on your agility. You can use a jump rope as a warm-up, choose to do just that 100%, or incorporate it into some form of circuit-training.

Among the main types of jumps that can be made with a skipping rope, there are:

    • feet together: traditional exercise;

    • alternate feet: jump one foot after the other;

    • on one leg: jump only on one leg, without alternating;

    • knee raises: raise one knee at each rope pass;

    • slalom: alternate jumps with both feet going from left to right;

    • heels to the buttocks: bring a heel to the buttocks with each passage of the rope;

    • butterfly: cross and uncross the rope with each jump;

    • jumping jack: alternate a jump with legs apart and a jump with legs together;

    • double jump: pass the rope twice under your feet with each jump.

Put in place good working conditions

In order to stay motivated over the long term, you need to set a training pace and create the right conditions for skipping rope

Otherwise, you might quickly get bored and all the benefits mentioned above would pass you by. Give special importance to:

    • The surface: Choose a nice flat surface to jump on, such as a gym mat or concrete floor. If you choose a grassy or outdoor surface, make sure there is nothing in the way like rocks, sticks, very long grass or the like.

    • regularity: It takes about 67 days to build a habit. Your challenge is therefore to jump rope for 5 minutes every day for the next 2 or 3 months. It's important to be regular to keep motivation intact.

    • Your motivation : There's no point trying to be perfect from the start, or jumping for 20 minutes the first time. Be indulgent with yourself, and progress little by little. For example, you can add 10 seconds to each session.

    • The size of the rope: Make sure you set the size of your jump rope correctly. Otherwise, you will have difficulty jumping and the rope will easily get caught in your feet.

Choose the right model

A skipping rope can be found just about anywhere, in most sports stores. However, if your objective is to train regularly, we advise you to choose a quality and resistant model.

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You wouldn't want to have to buy one a few weeks later! It is with this in mind that we recommend the Jump Rope Counter pro™ from Fitness-Superhuman™. Its advantage?

A jump counter built into the jump rope, to measure your performance. You no longer need to count in your head, and you can concentrate on your exercise.

This skipping rope also guarantees you high comfort of use: non-slip handles, fast ball bearings for easy rotation, great lightness, etc.

And it has been designed with an adjustable cord length, so that all body types (from the tallest to the smallest) can enjoy its benefits!

In summary: the benefits of jumping rope

The jump rope is therefore an essential accessory in sport, whether for beginners or experienced. Its benefits are multiple, and it is not necessary to train for years to benefit from it: weight loss, better coordination, reduced risk of injury, increased brain capacity, better general health, etc.

Training with a skipping rope is accessible to everyone: a pair of sneakers, a flat surface, a suitable rope, and you're off!

And since it's the only equipment needed, you might as well choose quality: that's why we recommend the Compeur pro™ skipping rope from Fitness-Superhuman™ for its excellent value for money.

Then all you have to do is be regular, motivated, and vary the types of jumps, to maximize the benefits of this physical exercise!

Get started now and enjoy the many benefits of jumping rope!


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