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Top 8 bodybuilding exercises with a rubber band

Top 8 bodybuilding exercises with a rubber band

Have you ever performed strength exercises with a rubber band? It may seem strange at first, but it becomes very quickly intuitive. This fitness accessory that is the resistance bands allows you to work all the muscles of the body , from your home or at the gym.

As effective as weights or machines, you will get the same progress, if not better results thanks to the freedomand flexibility you allow elastic bands ! Discover now the 8 best exercises to perform with resistance bands.

The benefits of resistance exercises with a rubber band

Super-Human Fitness™ Resistance and Resistance Bands™ offer all the benefits of weight machines and free weights, but also many additional benefits.

In addition to being economical, this sports accessory allows you to optimize each of your weight training exercises thanks to the rubber bands:

  • full body workout;
  • ability to target muscle groups;
  • improvement and better muscle definition;
  • joint preservation;
  • suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes;
  • compact and portable for training anywhere;
  • 5 resistance straps with variable weight level from 5 to 75 kg;
  • door anchor;
  • comfortable handles and straps;
  • rock solid.

The 8 best strength training exercises with rubber band

Bicep curls

This first resistance band exercise works the arms. Usually this requires special equipment or a machine. But thanks to our weight training elastics, you can calmly work out at home, while obtaining impressive results.

To perform the movement, stand with both feet on a resistance band. Hold one end in each hand, arms extended, palms facing forward.

curl élastique

Slowly bring your hands up towards your shoulders, forming a curl and contracting your biceps. Keep your elbows tight to the sides of your body and don't stick them out. Slowly bring your hands back to the starting position to complete one rep.

The chest fly

To perform this weight training exercise with rubber band, you benefit from one of the main advantages of our product: a door anchor easy and quick to install.

bandes élastiques

In this way, you can attach the resistance bands to the wall or to a door, to imitate the exercises to be performed with a cable and pulley machine. For this, attach a rubber band with handles in a well-secured way, and behind you. We also invite you to consult: Why do military push-ups to progress in bodybuilding?

Grab each handle and hold your arms straight out in a T, palms facing forward. Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other so that your stance is staggered. Stand far enough forward that there is tension in your arms.

chest fly exercice élastique

This is the starting position. Then slowly pull the band up to bring the handles to meet in front of your body, keeping your arms straight, with a slight bend in your elbows.

Then slowly extend your arms back to the starting position. Be careful to control your movement and not go too fast.

The bench press

Who said you need a gym membership or an expensive weight bench towork your chest? Our elastic bands allow you to build your pecs easily from home. They are ultra strong and can support up to 75 kg, enough to allow you to progress quickly. A companion article: Weight Vest: How to Train for Power?

As with the previous weight training exercise with rubber band, fasten the band securely behind you. Grasp each handle and hold your arms straight out to the side, elbows bent at 90 degrees, palms facing forward.

resistance band développé couché

Again, stand with one foot slightly in front of the other. Position yourself far enough forward that there is tension in your arms and chest. Then slowly push the handles forward and straighten your arms, until your hands meet in front of your body.

Next, slowly bend your elbows and bring the handles towards your chest to return to the starting position. This is literally the same movement as the classic bench press, with the simple difference that you are standing up and not lying down.

bandes élastiques

Tricep extensions

Our next muscle exercise with rubber band is the triceps extensions. As effective as free weights, you will be able to improve the definition of your arms with our resistance bands. Stand with your right foot slightly in front of the left so that you are in a staggered position.

Wrap a rubber band around your left foot and hold the end with your right hand in front of your body at waist height. Grab the other end of the band with your left hand and hold it behind your head, at the level of your neck. Your left elbow should point towards the ceiling.

extension triceps élastique

This is the starting position. Then extend your left hand toward the ceiling until your elbow is straight. Then lower it back to the starting position and complete one repetition. Do all your reps on the left arm, then switch sides and repeat the same on the right. We advise you to read: Building biceps without equipment: 14 exercises to do at home


It's time to work on your lower body a bit, with here a weight training exercise with rubber band for the glutes. Women are particularly familiar with this movement, which helps to achieve firm and muscular buttocks.

Start on your hands and knees, with a resistance band wrapped around your left ankle and the arch of your right foot. Lift your right leg and extend it directly behind you, pushing against the resistance of the band.

kick back élastique

Try to straighten your leg as much as you can. Slowly bring your leg back to the starting position to really feel the muscle burn. If you want to know more: Ankle strap in strength training: TOP 5 lower body exercises

You can also do this move with a rubber band, by holding a handful in each hand and looping the band in the middle around your arch that will bounce.

The bridge

Remaining in the strengthening glutes with our fifth weight training exercise with rubber band

Our bandages have been designed to be comfortable during use, which facilitates your movements and does not damage your skin during physical exertion. To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your hands at your sides, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor hip-width apart.

pont élastique exercice

Wrap a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. This is the starting position. Contract your glutes and abs and push through your heels to lift your hips a few inches off the floor until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. A companion article: How to get bigger buttocks quickly and effectively?

bandes élastiques

Hold this position for a second, making sure to maintain tension in the band so your knees don't sag. Slowly lower your hips back to the starting position and complete one rep.

The side slits

Most athletes are familiar with the lunge exercise, a classic for working the glutes and quadriceps. To intensify this bodybuilding exercise, wrap a resistance band around both of your ankles.

Stand up straight with your legs together and hold your hands together in front of your chest (or place them on your hips).

fente exercice élastique

Then take a big step to the right. When your foot hits the floor, push forward at the hips, push your butt back, and bend your right knee into a lunge. It's like a side half squat movement. We advise you to read: Top 8 exercises for your gluteal ab workout

Pause for a second and hold the muscle contraction, then push off your right leg to return to the starting position. Our bands have a adjustable difficulty level, which you can start with light weight and increase as you progress.

The side elevations

Our last exercise with rubber band is the lateral raises. Be very careful for this movement, because, depending on your position, you can target either the glutes or the quadriceps. It's a relatively simple movement, which our resistance bands help to intensify the effort to improve your athletic performance and to firm up the bottom of your body.

To start, lie on your left side and wrap a resistance band around your ankles. Extend both legs straight out, stacking your right over your left. Bend your left elbow and lift your head with your hand.

élévation latérale musculation

Place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest for support. This is the starting position. Slowly raise your left leg, keeping it straight and contracting your buttocks. To learn more about this product: Elastic Strength Bands

Raise your leg as high as you can, but stop just before you feel your lower back arch.

In summary: resistance exercises with a rubber band

Are you convinced by the effectiveness of resistance bands? Our model is one of the best value for money on the market, and we offer you all the advantages mentioned in this article Let's also recap the exercises we recommend to maximize your workouts :

  • bicep curls;
  • the chest fly;
  • the bench press;
  • tricep extensions;
  • kickbacks;
  • the bridge;
  • the side slits;
  • the side raises.

Over to you: try these resistance exercises with rubber bands tomorrow!


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