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How to do scissor sit-ups and progress quickly?

How to do scissor sit-ups and progress quickly?

Crunches Scissors are one of the many exercises you can do to build and maintain your core strength. It also targets the lower body, which means you engage multiple muscles in order to complete the movement: it's a complete and very effective exercise.

And let's be honest: crunches aren't the most exciting exercise to do! So if you're bored with your ab routine, we'll tell you everything you need to know about scissor crunches and toning your abdomen!

The Benefits of Scissor Sit-Ups

The scissors crunch exercise serves as the foundation for other abdominal-specific movements. It has the dual purpose of lengthening and creating a good foundation for your muscle groups.

This is an exercise that works the transverse abdominals with an isometric grip (even if your legs are moving), which means you are working the endurance of your core, which also benefits your ab workouts. Doing scissor crunches can also correct imbalances in your lower body.

Our quadriceps tend to be overdeveloped compared to other inner leg muscles. Including exercises that target the inner and outer thighs, glutes, and hamstrings helps you create evenly developed legs and promote knee joint stability .

Although the exercise can be done without equipment, you can add resistance by using some fitness equipment (like resistance bands). For advanced people, it is possible to use ankle weights. Just be sure to maintain proper running form.

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How to do scissor sit-ups?

Learning to position yourself well

How to perform scissor sit-ups? Being able to perform this exercise successfully depends on how well you can perform the movement. This is why you want your abs, not your lower back, to do the work!

By targeting the leg muscles via the "scissor" movement, you directly engage your abdominal muscles. Additionally, proper spinal alignment through a strong core helps your lower body perform the scissor crunch move.

Since the goal of this move is to engage your core, you don't want to be in a rush to complete the reps.

For as much information as possible: Working your lower abs: everything you need to know

Movement step by step

Slow down and make sure to follow the steps and maintain your form throughout all sets and reps:

  • Find a comfortable exercise mat. You will need a mat that has some thickness, but is also firm.

  • Lie on your back on the mat with your legs extended in front of you. Place your arms at your sides, palms down. You can also place your hands under your glutes under your lower back, palms pressing into the floor.

  • Engage your core by pressing your lower back into the mat and pulling in your pelvis. Maintain this position throughout the movement.

  • Raise both legs off the floor about 3cm from the starting position (in this case, the floor) or at an angle of about 45 degrees

  • With core tight and neck relaxed, lower one leg toward the floor while lifting the other leg. This is the beginning of the scissor movement.

  • Continue the scissoring motion by slowly rocking your legs up and down for the recommended number of reps.

  • Perform 2 sets of 12 to 20 repetitions. As you get stronger, add a third set.

For maximum results: Abs Wheel: How to get defined abs?

roue abdominale

Variations and Improvements of Scissor Crunches


If scissor crunches are too difficult, you can perform simpler moves that use a similar movement pattern. Keep your legs lower on the mat. This can help relieve the lower back.

If you feel your lower back arch away from the mat while performing this exercise, start with your feet hovering just above the floor. As you get stronger, increase the distance between the ground and your legs.

Make sure your back doesn't arch. To build strength and endurance before trying the scissor crunch exercise, consider trying one of these modifications: raise your legs higher and make the movement bigger shear, slow down the kicking motion and hold the top leg for 2-3 seconds before switching legs, and/or add light weights to the ankles.

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Tips for improvement

Watching the abs scissors move on video is one thing, but executing that same move with correct form is an entirely different process!

Before you grab an exercise mat and do a few reps, read these tips on how to perform the exercise correctly:

  • Keep your arms still throughout the movement. Your arms serve as stability. They should not be used as momentum.

  • Keep your abs tight and engaged throughout the movement. Remember to bring your navel towards your spine.

  • Keep the movement rhythmic and controlled.

  • Scissor crunches are an isolation exercise, which means it's often most effective when included in an overall fitness routine. You can find this movement in a range of exercises from Pilates, core abdominal workouts, etc.

  • Since you're kicking your core muscles into overdrive, be sure to warm up before doing scissor sit-ups.

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The most common mistakes to avoid during scissor sit-ups

Although it appears to be a simple abdominal movement in which only your legs move, there are a lot of mistakes coaches see people make when doing scissor crunches:

  • Arching and lifting the lower back: the most common mistake we see in athletes is that they forget to press their lower back into the mat This creates discomfort on the lumbar spine and prevents you from fully engaging your abs during the exercise. Proper running form is key to not causing strain on the body, especially since the lower back is the most common complaint of discomfort that comes from poor form.
  • Bending the legs: keeping the legs straight is also essential, so do not bend your knees. Exercise is all about length and depth. Pulling the legs long and deepening the abs strengthens the quadriceps and transverse abdominals to protect your back. Work only within the possible range of motion in order to keep your legs straight. Back pain can also occur when your knees are bent.

  • Not warming up : Warming up is important. As with all challenging ab exercises where the legs move away from the body, scissor crunches require you to be completely warmed up and stay within the range of motion that is right for you. As your hamstrings relax and your transverse abs strengthen, your range of motion and endurance will increase. So go through a core warm-up (a plank is good for this) and dynamic stretches that focus on your lower body before dropping to the mat.

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The accessory to quickly progress in scissor abs

Now that you've mastered the scissor sit-ups, how do you progress effectively? Know that you can vary the abdominal exercises, and that the accessory that will give you the best results for a toned and muscular stomach is the abdominal wheel.

Our Professional Ab Wheel™ revolutionizes ab workouts by helping you strengthen your core, lower back and strengthen your wrists. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes: stable and compact, train anywhere to maintain your abs.

This abdominal wheel supports up to 130 kg of weight to guarantee your safety. The wheels are quiet and wear resistant. By combining the exercises with this accessory and the scissors abs, you will finally get the 6-pack you've been dreaming about!

In summary: Scissor abs

The scissor crunches are a very complete and effective exercise to strengthen your abs, but also take care of your spine, posture and his lower back.

This is an exercise that helps you build deep muscle in order to benefit from a strong core on a daily basis.You have all the cards in hand to practice on a daily basis, from the movement in detail to the mistakes to avoid and the variations to test

And if you want to go further in your training, the abdominal wheel is your ally! With the scissor abs and this unparalleled bodybuilding accessory, you must be invincible.

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Crunches Scissors are one of the many exercises you can do to build and maintain your core strength. It also targets the lower body, which means you engage multiple muscles in order to complete the...

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