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The pullover face with elastic: the solution for a perfect back

The pullover face with elastic: the solution for a perfect back

The face pull with elastic or its classic indoor version is an exercise which, although little known, has impressive effects on upper back muscle building. Not only will it help you shape your muscles so that your back takes on an imposing appearance, but it is also excellent for correcting upper back posture problems, which for some , can be very painful.

Easily done with nothing but a bodybuilding elastic, the face pullover with elastic will fit seamlessly into your upper back training program.

Why should you do pull faces?

Muscles used

Although the muscles of the arm are involved in the movement of the face pull, it is not the muscle group sidelined at the time of this exercise. When performing a face pull with elastic, the main muscles you will be targeting will be: the upper deltoid, the middle and lower bundles of the trapezius, the infraspinatus and the teres major.

The interesting thing about these muscles is that they serve a wide variety of functions. Indeed, the posterior deltoid is actually the back part of the shoulders, which although often forgotten in shoulder strength training, remains one of the better known upper back muscles. Its primary function is to allow the arms to pull backwards. The trapezius is the largest back muscle in terms of size and is used for many movements. The two lower bundles in particular are crucial stabilizing elements for our backs and shoulders; they help stabilize the scapula and shoulder and raise the arms above the head.

But the targeted muscles are not just those big muscles that can be toned to shape the perfect back. Indeed, the face pull with elastic also solicits the infraspinatus, a very important small muscle of the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a set of small muscles-tendons of the shoulders and scapula, which are responsible for a huge proportion of the shoulders, and therefore allow us to use normally our arms. They play an absolutely central role in the health of our shoulders. Similarly, the teres major is a muscle of the scapula, which is used for abduction and internal rotation of the shoulder.

In parallel, read also: The elastic military press: easily strengthen your shoulders


A simple movement to correct your posture

If you often find yourself in a position where you unintentionally bend your back forward, you probably have what is called "poor posture ". This can be caused by several issues and can have significant repercussions, which the bungee pull face could help you curb.

Often a hunched back is the result of sitting day in and day out. This happens a lot if you work seated bent over a computer, for example, or if you are a student. This problem can also be the result of a muscle imbalance between the front and back of the body. This is a side effect of poorly done bodybuilding that many are unaware of, even when they are no longer beginners. Know, for example, that if you only strengthen the anterior and middle beams of your deltoids, your shoulders will certainly be imposing, but they will also fall forward, because the posterior beam will be too weak to counterbalance them.

The face pull with elastic or classic is an excellent bodybuilding exercise to strengthen the entire posterior side of the upper body, and therefore help you to fill what is often a muscular imbalance

Also, don't hesitate to read: Top 8 bodybuilding exercises with rubber bands

Use all the functions of your muscles

Another good reason to do face pulls is that you probably accustomed your body to one type of movement during training. Indeed, when you train indoors, but also at home, you tend to favor movements where you push back a force: push-ups, bench press, military press…

But if you really want to use your muscles for all their functions, which will give you access to better, more balanced gains, you must also incorporate movements where you pull the force towards you. The best-known exercise of this type is the pull-up with a barbell. But, it is not the only one of its kind and is far from sufficient to satisfy the needs of your muscles. The face pull with rubber band is another exercise that will be perfect for working that other side of your muscles in the back region, which will ensure you noticeable gains.

To get as much information as possible: 5 secrets for choosing the best weight training elastic

bandes de résistance

Adapting the pulley exercise to the bungee

If you are familiar with strength training with resistance bands, then you know that most strength training exercises can be adapted to elastic work. However, there are still some things to consider:

  • The natural force curve of rubber bands is increasing. While the pulley face pull will put constant tension on your muscles, the tension created by the resistance band will increase as the muscle tenses. It is then possible that you will have to adapt the exercise to the elastic, by moving away from your habits with the pulley.

  • To make sure you do the face pull with elastic, you have two solutions. Either choose a lower voltage than what you were used to before; or you can simply move closer to your anchor point, which reduces the tension created by the elastic.

  • One last thing to consider is security. To do a face pull with exercise, you will not be able to use just any band. Since the exercise involves stretching a weight band in the direction of your face, it can be extremely dangerous to choose a band that is too thin, as it may wear out over time and break, going therefore directly towards your face.

    So be sure to choose your material carefully, even if it means investing a little more to have truly durable and unbreakable bands. The Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands, for example, are guaranteed unbreakable, and therefore suitable for the pullover side with elastic.

How to make a perfect sweater face with elastic?

Have the right setup

For the perfect elasticated pullover face that will allow you to get the most out of it, you must first make sure that you are in the best condition. The face pull should always be done with tension coming from the top.

The reason is that you will get the most benefit from it if your shoulders are placed in external rotation during the exercise However, if your elastic is placed low, you will find it more difficult to get into this position and risk performing the face pull incorrectly. So be sure to place the muscle band either at face level or in a high place, such as hanging it above a door.

In parallel to have the maximum results, read also: How to lose your lower back fat: 9 tips

face pull elastique exercice

The movement of the pullover face with elastic

Then, apart from a few details mentioned earlier about adapting the exercise to the elastic, the movement of the elastic pull face is the same as the classic:

  • Start facing your anchor point in an athletic stance: legs hip-width apart, back straight, abs slightly contracted, and knees slightly bent.

  • Extend your arms forward with a handful of the band in each hand. Then pull back, aiming to frame your face with your hands: the elbows must remain below the shoulders, and open towards the sides. Ideally, the hands should pass slightly behind the line of the shoulders, thus going beyond the elbows, to bring the shoulders into external rotation.

  • During this movement, remember to contract your back, letting your shoulder blades come together.

  • Don't forget the position of the hands. In the initial position, your grip is of little importance, but during the movement, it can significantly influence your gains. To maximize the effect of the face pull with elastic, when pulling, be sure to place your hands so that the thumbs point backwards and the knuckles point towards the ceiling.

  • Remember that the exercise is called the "face" pull. It is therefore the face that must be targeted by your hands, not the shoulders. Keep this in mind to properly execute the face pull with rubber bands.

Also, read also: Top 7 exercises for triceps with rubber band

In summary: The pullover side with elastic

If you are looking for a complete and effective exercise to strengthen your upper back and correct your posture, it is clear that the face pull should already be part of your training program. However, it is traditionally performed with pulleys, which involves having to move to the room. But, with the variant of the face sweater with elastic, you can benefit from all this, without having to leave your home.

With equipment such as the Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands, you can easily perform the face pull with elastic, but also many other exercises for be able to train easily and effectively from head to toe!

bandes de résistance


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<tc>Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance band set</tc>

Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance band set

The face pull with elastic or its classic indoor version is an exercise which, although little known, has impressive effects on upper back muscle building. Not only will it help you shape your muscles so...

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