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Bungee training: the secret to rapid mass gain

Bungee training: the secret to rapid mass gain

These days, we hear more and more about bodybuilding with rubber bands, which would be the ideal solution for rapid mass gain suitable for all places and all schedules. Indeed, not all of us have the opportunity, for many reasons, to travel to the gym several times a week, ensuring the attendance necessary for mass gain.

Resistance bands therefore seem to be a good alternative to be able to continue training quietly, wherever you are. But what are its real advantages, compared to the use of dumbbells for example, and how to use them to continue to build muscle effectively? In this article, we are going to answer all these questions, so that you know everything about gaining mass thanks to bungee training.

What are the benefits of resistance training?

Have freedom in your training program

One of the main reasons why you should rely on resistance bands for your mass gain is their adaptability. Indeed, you no longer need to travel to train in expensive rooms where you have to queue for the machine you need.

Rubber bands are an extremely versatile bodybuilding tool with which you can train your entire body. You only need one set of resistance bands to perform all your exercises. In addition, they are light and take up little space, unlike dumbbells and other weights. You can simply store them in a drawer, or carry them wherever you want, for an outdoor workout for example.

Muscle training with rubber bands also represents a huge time saver for gaining mass effectively. With the Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands you'll get an all-in-one set to train your whole body, plus a surefire way to build muscle easily by 15 minutes flat. It may seem short, but by favoring simple and complete movements, bodybuilding with rubber bands will take you straight to the point, for effective mass gain. You can train wherever and whenever you want, enjoying total freedom in your training.

Also read: Top 8 bodybuilding exercises with a rubber band

programme entraînement élastique

Choose efficiency

The reason why resistance training is so effective is that it offers the right tension to the muscle, which optimizes the effect of each movement. This is because our muscles follow a natural force curve: the more they contract, the more force they can generate.

Resistance bands are therefore ideal for following this curve, because they offer an increasingly strong tension as the muscle contracts, and decreases when it relaxes.

On this point, rubber bands dominate free weights. The latter use gravity as a source of resistance, which means that it always remains constant and the muscle does not have the opportunity to relax between each movement. When we use the full span of the muscle, going from its most relaxed to its most contracted, the result is better and the mass gain more effective.

It is this same phenomenon that makes weight training with elastic improve the very quality of the execution of each exercise.Since the tension is changing, the body needs to recruit more effort to stabilize itself, and to control both the tension and the relaxation of the muscle. movement, making them more effective over time.

In parallel, read also: 7 tips for training with expanders in bodybuilding

elastique musculation

Build muscle safely

Since resistance training is more suited to the natural curve of the muscles, it also puts less pressure on the muscles and joints. The risk of injury is therefore considerably reduced.

Besides, even if you ultimately prefer to stick to free weights, rubber bands can also be used to warm up gently, to be sure not to take risks during your workout. All you have to do is stretch or strength-train by simply choosing the band with the lightest resistance in your pack of resistance bands.

For maximum results: Resistance bands and resistance bands: 4 reasons to use them

How to choose the right resistance bands?

Before you begin to adapt your weight gain program to accommodate resistance bands, you must first worry about using the right bands for each exercise and each situation. Here are some tips to guide you in these choices.

  • Remember to opt for rubber bands with handles. If you must regularly use resistance bands, or if you are a beginner, it is strongly recommended to choose bands with handles, to ensure an optimal grip. This will limit execution problems or unnecessary work related to a bad grip. The Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands, for example, have handles, as well as ankle straps and a door anchor to ensure that you can perform all your exercises without brakes.
  • Adjust the tension in case of difficulty. It can sometimes be difficult, when you are used to free weights, to find the right band for you for a specific exercise. This is why it is advisable to opt for a pack of rubber bands with various resistances. You can therefore experiment to find the weight that suits you, that is, the maximum tension at which you can perform the exercise correctly.

  • Don't limit yourself. The advantage of bodybuilding with elastic is that it is a versatile method. With a pack ranging from 5 to 25 kg for example, you can attach several bands to a single handle to obtain the perfect tension for you. Thus, by coupling an elastic with a tension of 5kg, to another of 25kg, you can have a resistance of 30kg.

A complete article on this subject: 5 criteria for choosing the best weight lifting elastic

exercice maison élastique

How to do strength training with rubber bands?

Vary the angles

To make the most of the versatility of resistance bands, don't be afraid to vary the ways you use them. One of the best ways to do this is to understand how to place them at any angle.

For example, if you are looking to work the arms with extension movements, place your band at a low angle. This can be done by attaching it to your ankle or your foot for example, or by wedging it under a door. You can also attach it to any support near the ground. Conversely, for pulling movements, place the band so that it comes from the top. For example, you can wedge it at the top of a door, or attach it to a pull-up bar if you have one.

It also works for any angle. For movements where the tension must come from the front, try attaching your resistance band to a doorknob, for example, or, if you are seated, at the foot of a heavy table.

Also read: Top 5 best pec exercises with rubber band

Adapt your exercises

By choosing a mass gainer with elastic bands, you can enjoy total creativity. Indeed, all the muscles of the body can be worked with resistance bands.

To find exercises, you can find a way to adapt your daily resistance exercises to resistance bands. resistance. To inspire you, here are some examples of classic exercises suitable for rubber bands:

  • The military press. Standing with your back straight, take a handful of the rubber band in each hand and place your feet hip-width apart on the rubber band. Raise your hands to the level of your shoulders in external rotation and perform a simultaneous extension of both arms, until they are stretched above your head, then return to the initial position.

  • The pumps. You can also choose to add difficulty to exercises without equipment. To do a push-up with a resistance band, take a plank position, passing the band behind your shoulders, with a handle in each hand. Then, perform classic push-ups, taking advantage of the tension added by the elastic.

  • The pull face. Taking a handful in each hand, run the rubber band over a support at the height where you would normally set your pulley. Start with arms straight in front of you, then pull up to finish with hands framing your face.

Also, we invite you to read: Opinion on bodybuilding rubber bands: effective or not?

pompe avec élastique

In summary: Strength training with rubber bands for rapid mass gain

You will understand, with resistance bands, there are no limits in terms of versatility and variety. Provided you have chosen your equipment well, you can build muscle where you want, and effectively. This freedom also exists in terms of the possibility of exercises: no more single-use machines and tools. With elastic bodybuilding, you will be able to strengthen your whole body, with the minimum possible equipment.

If you want to get quality equipment, giving you access to all these advantages, discover the Fit-Superhuman 2.0™ Resistance Bands, with which you will receive as a bonus a complete and adapted training program. In no time, bodybuilding with rubber bands will open the doors to easy and effective mass gain.

elastique musculation


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