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What to choose between jade or quartz roller?

What to choose between jade or quartz roller?

Between beauty and well-being, jade and quartz rollers are very successful. Based on the principles of lithotherapy and Chinese medicine, they offer many skin benefits.

However, between jade roller and quartz roller, which one to choose? This article tells you all about the two types of rollers so that you can make your choice!

What is a jade or quartz roller?

At first glance, it looks like a miniature paint roller with two heads. However, this is not really their use. The jade and quartz rollers are true accessories for well-being. Increasingly known in France, they are gaining new followers every day. It is true that these instruments can surprise by their design.

Indeed, they have two sides, each with the same stone, but of a different size. Each stone, depending on its size, has a very specific function. For example, on a Jade Scroll, you will find a first Jade Stone that is oval in shape and medium in size. On the reverse side, you'll see a second Jade Stone, almost identical, but much smaller than the first.

The jade and quartz rollers are used to massage the skin of the face. The largest stone is for the cheeks, forehead and neck. The smaller stone, on the other hand, adapts more easily to the most difficult to reach parts such as the contours of the eyes or the nose.

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rouleau jade ou quartz

Where do the jade and quartz scrolls come from?

Jade and Quartz Scrolls are not new. Indeed, these beauty objects are based on ancestral principles. They use Chinese medicine and lithotherapy, in other words, the properties of stones.

Indeed, each mineral benefits from particular physical or psychological virtues. By gently stimulating the skin for a few minutes regularly using a jade stone or a quartz stone, it is possible to achieve different skin benefits and to “smooth” the skin.

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What are their benefits on the skin?

Using a jade or quartz roller has many benefits for the skin.

First of all, this care tool is above all a daily beauty gesture. For good reason, regularly using a jade or quartz roller would prevent and reduce wrinkles.

The jade or quartz roller is also ideal for reducing a number of imperfections such as dark circles or bags under the eyes. Overall, the skin appears smoother and brighter. It is therefore a good way to have a nice complexion.

The advantages of the jade roller and the quartz roller do not stop at the aesthetic aspect. Their use is also beneficial for health andwell-being. Indeed, this accessory stimulates lymphatic circulation as well as blood circulation. Thus, the jade and quartz roller drains the epidermis in depth. This technique eliminates impurities and excess sebum. It is also a good way to strengthen the elasticity of the skinand tighten its pores.

Also read: The jade roller, the fun tool for a radiant complexion

rouleau de jade

What are the differences between jade roller and quartz roller?

Very often the two terms are confusing. Most people even think that jade roller and quartz roller are synonyms. Nevertheless, it is not the case. They are two very different tools.

Many similarities

First of all, it is true that the jade roller and the quartz roller have very many similarities. Both are based on the same principles, act in the same way on the skin, and deliver nearly identical beauty results.

There is therefore no great harm in opting for a jade rollerrather than a quartz roller, and vice versa, when using aesthetic. However, there are still small differences between the two, and it is always better to be aware of them.

Specific aspects and properties

Jade Stone and Quartz Stone are two different minerals.

From the augites family, jade stone generally has a beautiful emerald green color. It can also sometimes tend towards beige brown, red brown or blue brown. The quartz stone, on the other hand, can take on different colors. It is rose quartz , however, that is most commonly used in a quartz scroll. Also nicknamed rock crystal, it is part of the silicate family.

The jade stone is connected to the heart chakra. It is known to reduce all disorders of nervous origin as well as to strengthen the stability of the wearer. It is also a good ally against fever, migraine and dizziness.

The pink quartz stone is considered a stone of love. Also linked to the heart chakra, it heals emotional wounds and builds confidence and self-acceptance. It is also known to regulate endocrine disorders and promote the evacuation of toxins.

To know: Why is lithotherapy again in trend?

How to choose the right quartz or jade roller?

So jade rolleror quartz roller, the question still remains. The choice is yours, and depends mainly on your situation and your expectations. The first point to take into account before opting for a jade roller or a quartz roller, are the properties of the stone.

The Jade Roller will primarily appeal to people who tend to be anxious or stressed in daily life. It is interesting for those who are easily overwhelmed by their emotions, who brood over dark thoughts or who have difficulty anchoring themselves in the present.

As for the rose quartz roller, it is more suitable for hypersensitive and empathetic people who have experienced traumatic events. rose quartz is recommended for those who doubt themselves a lot and are easily overwhelmed by the emotions of others.

Also note that from a purely practical point of view, the quartz scroll is generally more expensive and rarer than the jade scroll. Indeed, quartz is more fragile, and therefore more complex to sculpt. You should also be wary of prices that are too attractive.

Some merchants do not hesitate to use chemicals to make quartzstronger and easier to handle. However, these are obviously harmful to health. Whatever your choice, choose serious shops that offer quality items.

Also read: Pink quartz: meaning, virtues and properties

rouleau en quartz

Superhuman Fit Jade Roller

Fit Superhuman aims to help anyone in their physical transformation. And not just through sports! The wellness accessories are also present at Fit Superhuman.

The jade stone facial roller has been designed so that you can enjoy many benefits such as:

  • Eye contour adjustment
  • Promote absorption of lotion and essential oil
  • Release of facial tensions
  • Facial muscle relaxation
  • Brightening skin tone
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Reduced occurrence of edema of the face and eyes
  • Wrinkle Removal
  • Treatment of the skin at any time and place of your choice

This natural tool can be used every day to optimize the beauty and contours of the face. It is easy to use, made with quality jade stone . It is also refreshing, which makes it possible to fight against the heating effect of the massage.

In parallel, read also: Massage in sport: Everything you need to know

Superhuman Fit Quartz Roller

Fit Superhuman is also interested in offering you a rose quartz roller to improve the contours of your skin. This easy-to-clean roller has been designed for all skin typesand can be used at any age. It is practical, easily transportable and provides a natural lift.

To benefit from its many benefits, it is recommended to use the quartz roller for 5 to 15 minutes, two to three times a week. It allows in particular to:

  • Improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • Reduce wrinkles for anti-aging effect
  • Toning the face
  • Reduce pores and acne
  • Make skin more radiant
  • Build muscle and sculpt the face
  • Reduce bags under the eyes
  • Improve complexion radiance
  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Banish signs of fatigue for an anti-stress effect

For more information: Jade roller: a really effective anti-aging tool?

rouleau jade ou quartz

Conclusion on the jade and quartz scroll

The jade rollerandquartz roller have many similarities. These accessories of well-beingderived from ancestral knowledge play a major role in the beauty and health of the skin. However, there are some differences between the two, especially regarding the physical and psychic properties of the stones.

Fit Superhuman offers you both types of rollers for an effective and quickly visible improvement of your skinat the level of the face And you, you are more team jade scroll or team quartz scroll ?


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