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Top 7 exercises for hamstrings with rubber band

Top 7 exercises for hamstrings with rubber band

To have shapely and toned thighs, it is important to work the hamstrings. And what better than rubber bands to help you? The resistance provided by the rubber bands allows you to administer a load without injuring yourself.

In this article, you can find the best bodybuilding exercises to perform with a rubber band to exercise your hamstrings.

Explanations on the hamstring

The hamstring muscles are one of the muscle groups of the thigh. They are found more specifically at the back of the thigh, from the base of the buttocks to the hollow of the knee. They include three muscles: the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle.

The hamstrings allow the extension of the hip and the flexion of the knee: they are therefore what are called poly-articular muscles, essential in the running movement, for example. Also, it is important to take care of them and strengthen them as much as possible.

To do this, nothing beats a few regular exercises; even better if they are made with a rubber band.

Also read: How to get thighs: 4 methods that work

exercice ischio jambier

Top 7 hamstring exercises to do with a rubber band


The exercise of the deadlift, also called deadlift, is inspired by bodybuilding. Normally it is done with dumbbells or a barbell, but elastic is a very good substitute.

To do this, just follow these steps:

  • Standing, pull the elastic under your feet. These should be spread apart at hip height.
  • Grasp each end of the rubber band with your hands. The arms are extended on either side of the body.
  • Bend your torso forward, legs slightly bent. The back and the neck must remain straight, in the same alignment.
  • As you exhale, gently raise your chest.
  • Repeat this bending twenty times.

Two sets of 20 squats should tone your hamstrings and strengthen your lower back.

Glute bridge

The Glute Bridge, or bridge, is a very complete exercise, which solicits the hamstring muscles, glutes and abs.

To do this, lie down on the ground, arms extended on either side of your body, legs bent, feet at shoulder height, fitness band around your thighs. Raise your pelvis upward, contracting your abs and glutes.

Hold the position for five seconds, then come back down. The head and shoulders must remain well on the ground. Repeat the movement 15 to 20 times and do 2 sets of this exercise.

glute bridge exercice

Leg curl

Then attach a rubber band to a solid support at low height, which is close to the ground. Attach the elastic to one of your ankles and then lie on your stomach. Your legs are straight with a slight bend at the knees. Then stretch the elastic and get into a comfortable position so that your back is straight.

Bend your knee on the side where the elastic holds the ankle. Your heel should then be close to your glutes. The rest of your body does not move. Also, exhale during this step.

Return to the initial position by gently releasing the resistance of the elastic. However, if you chain several repetitions, remember to keep a slight bend in the knee.Also, inhale during this step

You can also do it in a standing position with the help of a chair. The standing position requires stabilization which secondarily solicits the stabilizers of the hip and spine as well as the abdominals.

Standing kickback

This exercise is done standing up. Place your elastic either just above the ankles or at the level of the thighs, depending on the desired intensity. Maintain some stability by positioning your bust slightly forward, hands clasped in front of you.

Balancing on your left leg, extend your right leg backwards, as if you wanted to kick. Remember to contract the right gluteus, while the right knee is slightly bent.

Do a series of 10-12 kickbacks, then switch legs. 2-3 sets of this exercise will guarantee you well-defined hamstrings.

kickback fessier debout

Donkey kick

This move is good for the muscles in the thighs, including the hamstrings and glutes.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Get on all fours. Pass your left foot through one end of your rubber band, while you hold the other end in your left hand.
  • The hands are well placed on the ground, the knee and the right foot also. Your back is straight.
  • Extend your right leg backwards, like a kick, without arching.
  • Repeat this move 10 times, then switch sides.

This exercise, a floor variation of kickback, can be repeated over 2 to 3 sets of 20 (10 on each side), for sculpted thighs and strengthened lower back.

Fire Hydrant

The fire hydrant, or fire pump, is excellent for strengthening the hamstrings and the hip muscles.

Get on all fours. Place your rubber band around your thighs, a little above the knees. Keeping your knee bent, lift your leg out to the side. The knee should reach the height of the hip. The back should remain straight, without arching. Lower your leg slowly.

Repeat the movement ten times, then change legs. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 lifts per side, 20 total per set.

bandes élastiques

Active plank

This exercise, inspired by the plank, intensely works the hamstrings, in addition to sheathing the abdominal belt.

Stand horizontally, hands flat on the floor, back straight, on tiptoes. Your elastic wraps around your ankles. Inhaling raise your left leg. The back is straight, the neck in alignment, the right foot always resting on its tip. As you exhale, slowly lower your left leg.

Repeat the movement 10 to 12 times, then switch legs. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 20-24 lifts, for dreamy buttocks and perfectly sculpted thighs.


2 stretches for the hamstrings after your exercises with elastic

It is important to stretch well after your exercises with elastic, in order to avoid aches and injuries on your hamstrings.

The first stretch involves lowering your upper body so that your head is facing your knees. Stand straight, upright, feet and legs together, arms along the body. Inhaling, gently lower your bust, chest glued to your knees, head down and in line with your back. Grasp your ankles with your hands.Hold the posture for 5 breaths, then slowly come back up, without arching your back

The second stretch is done on a mat on the floor. Sit down with one leg bent, the other straight. Catch the tip of the foot of the extended leg, breathing deeply, to relax the hamstrings well. Repeat the movement 10 times, then switch sides.

Find out more: All about lower body stretching

Superhuman Fit elastic bands for your hamstring exercises

Our elastic resistance bands are the best value for money on the market today. We provide one year warranty to prove the quality of our product. And the reviews are full of praise for these rubber bands!

These elastics are unique, simple and economical: perfect for athletes who want to develop their muscles in the house or apartment. You can even use them outdoors. Our handles are strong and comfortable to guarantee you an optimal hold in complete safety.

Our professional-grade hanging system features a door anchor so you can turn any room into a custom gym. Our kit consists of 5 elastic resistance bands made with natural latex material. Supplied with a super compact carrying bag, you will no longer have any excuse not to train, because you can take these rubber bands everywhere: to the office, to the gym, on vacation, to a park, etc.

The resistance is adjustable from 5 to 75 kg to support you in your sporting progress. You can even buy 2 kits to go up to 150 kg of resistance if you have an advanced level. You will be able to lose weight or gain muscle quickly, without leaving home!

For more information: Hamstring Strength Training

bandes élastiques

Summary of exercises for hamstrings with rubber band

This muscle located at the back of the thigh is necessary for both the hip and the knee. This is why it must be muscled and kept in shape. A multitude of exercises exist to work it thanks to elastic bands. This article introduces you to the deadlift, the glute bridge, the active plank, the leg curl, the fire hydrant, the donkey kick and the standing kickback. You also have 2 effective stretches to relieve your muscle after your session.

These exercises with rubber bands allow you to bring resistance without exerting tension or stress like machines and weights. The elastic resistance bands from Fit Superhuman are a real ally in your bodybuilding sessions from anywhere. They are very effective in developing your hamstrings as well as your whole body.


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To have shapely and toned thighs, it is important to work the hamstrings. And what better than rubber bands to help you? The resistance provided by the rubber bands allows you to administer a load...

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