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Top 12 exercises to do standing abs

Top 12 exercises to do standing abs

Is it possible to do standing sit-ups? Sure ! If you don't want to use your gym equipment or have nowhere to lay down, you can work your abs while standing.

It may even be more effective because your abdominal muscles aren't just the ones you see in the mirror! They wrap around your entire body, from your six-pack abs to your obliques (which hug the sides of your core) to the muscles that stabilize and support your spine.

Discover the 12 best exercises to do standing abs and the ultimate bodybuilding accessory to progress!

The 12 best moves for standing sit-ups

Twist walk

This exercise is a bit like a slow knee raise with an extra twist. Doing standing abs with this exercise is ideal for people with fragile joints, which cannot withstand shocks.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, shoulders down, arms overhead, and abs tight. Bring the right elbow to the left knee, twisting your waist, then return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Concentrate on using your abdominal muscles (not quads!) to lift the knee and tighten the obliques.

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Side crunch

Stand with your feet hips-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Turn the toes outward and lower them into a wide squat (sometimes called a half wide squat) by squeezing the glutes, bending the knees, and keeping the hips in line with the torso.

Remember: don't stick your butt out and lower your pelvis todo standing sit-upswith this move. Raise your arms with elbows bent at 90 degrees, engage your core and lean to the right, trying to tap your elbow with your thigh. Do 10 reps to the right and 10 to the left.

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Standing stabilization

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hold a medicine ball or dumbbell with both hands, and stretch your arms out in front of your chest.

Keeping your arms straight and shoulders pressed down, rotate your upper body to the right, then back to center. Do 10 reps to the right and 10 to the left. This exercise for doing standing abs is very effective because it combines dynamic movement and core strength.

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Reverse Chop

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a medicine ball with both hands at chest height. Lower the ball to the outside of your right foot, allowing your knees to bend naturally and your feet to rotate.

Bring the ball across your chest and over your head to the left, feeling your abs contract. Increasing your speed will create more muscle challenge to do standing crunches with even more intensity. Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

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Lateral bend with dumbbell on the side

Hold a dumbbell that you can safely handle (at weight level) in one hand Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend over, bending your waist to the right.

Engage the core to return to the starting position and pull your torso up. Performing standing abs with this exercise helps target the obliquesand refine the waist. Do the right side for 1 minute, then the left side for 1 minute.


Lateral bend with dumbbell overhead

Initial position to that of the exercise fordoing standing abs previous. The difference is in the position of the weight: extend your arms above your head and bend your waist to the right, keeping your arms straight.

Use the strength of your abs to bring your torso back to center. Go 1 minute to the right, then switch sides.

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Standing side crunch

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Take a dumbbell in each hand and place your arms in the air with your elbows bent at 90°. Engage your abs and bring your left elbow to your left thigh as you bend at the waist and perform a side crunch.

Rather than lowering your elbow, try to keep your arms and shoulders in the same place throughout so you're forced to use your obliques to do standing sit-ups. Do the left side for 1 minute, then the right side for 1 minute.


Cross toe touch

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and extend your arms in a T-shape. Engage your core, rotate your torso to the left, and tap your right hand to the outside of the left foot.

To do standing crunches with this move, you can take it easy to consciously contract the muscles and work deep.

One leg sprint

Begin in a low lunge position with the left knee bent, right leg behind you and arms extended overhead. Lean forward slightly at the hips, so that your chest is above your left thigh.

Use your abs to lift the right knee towards the chest and allow the arms to come in at the sides. Return the leg to the floor and, as quickly as possible, come back forward to do standing sit-ups while improving your cardio.

Do 20 reps, then switch sides. For more challenge, add a twist by pulling the right knee to touch the left elbow each time.

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Chair sheath with twist

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Engage your trunk, bring your hips back, bend your knees and place your hands behind your head: you are in a plank sheathing position.

To do standing sit-ups from this position, rotate your upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow to the outside of the right knee.Don't let the hips twist to the right: instead think about bringing your left rib cage towards the right hip bone

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Lateral leg raise with side bend

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. With the core engaged, bend your waist to the right and simultaneously allow your right foot to lift off the floor, keeping one arm and one leg straight .

Engage the obliques to feel a sideways crunch. When you return to the starting position, press your right foot down to the floor and immediately begin the next repetition (do not put weight on the right foot). Doing standing sit-ups with this move takes a bit of coordination, but it comes easy with a little practice.

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Standing twist

Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, a dumbbell in each hand, and arms in the air with elbows bent at 90°.

Turn to the right, keeping the hips level and using the upper body only to turn. To do standing crunches with good form, twist to the left, widen your chest, and level your shoulders throughout.


The essential accessory for doing standing abs and progressing

Performing standing crunches with the exercises presented above therefore requires only your body weight, or even a light dumbbell or two. But what if you want to gain muscle massand progress in strength? Or simply challenge yourself and improve your performance? We have what you need: the 50KG™ weighted vest.

This accessory allows you to add resistance between 5 and 50 kg thanks to its 12 loading pockets. Thus, you can increase the intensity of your sessions and especially customize the weight used for each exercise. Results ? You progress quickly to a strong, explosive and muscular physique. The size of this weighted vest adapts to all body types.

And it's an accessory that you can use for all your exercises, even those of the lower body! In this way, you build a homogeneous silhouette in terms of musculature.

In summary: Do standing abs

Doing standing crunches is a great option if you want a bit more dynamic movement than lying crunches. Plus, you don't need any materials other than your body weight!

You're spoiled for choice among the list of 12 exercises presented in this article, which allow you to develop strong and muscular abs (and not just for aesthetics, but with real deep strength!). For even faster results, use a 50KG™ Weighted Vest to do standing crunches with more intensity!.

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Is it possible to do standing sit-ups? Sure ! If you don't want to use your gym equipment or have nowhere to lay down, you can work your abs while standing. It may even be...

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