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Items — Musculation maison

Le guide complet du massage au gant de crin pour diminuer la cel...

Le gant de crin est un accessoire de douche et de beauté utilisé depuis des lustres pour ses différents atouts. Comme tout outil, il faut aussi savoir...

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Comment faire un massage drainage lymphatique à la maison ?

Savez-vous qu'il est possible d'éliminer les toxines et les graisses avec un simple massage ? C'est le fameux drainage lymphatique. Cette technique si populaire aide...

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Quels effets avant/après l'électrostimulation du fessier ?

Dans la quête d’un bas de corps tonique, le fessier fait souvent de l’ombre aux cuisses. Grâce à l’électrostimulation, vous pouvez facilement dessiner, raffermir et...

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Comment mettre une attelle de cheville ?

Les chevilles sont sollicitées sans même que l’humain s’en rende compte. Elles sont des articulations fondamentales dans l’équilibre du corps, à l’arrêt comme en mouvement....

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Should I keep a splint overnight?

The splint is a device that provides support for a joint or a limb. For the foot area, the splint is placed at the level...

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What size pilates ball should I choose?

The pilates ball, also called swiss ball, has been your eye for a while and you have decided to give it a go? This big...

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Opinion on the abdominal wheel: effective for building your abs?

Do you want to strengthen your abdominal belt and have a flat stomach or visible abs? The ab wheel is a fitness accessory that can...

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Cellulite Suction Cup Review: Does It Really Work?

The anti-cellulite suction cup has recently been a major success. In theory, it eliminates cellulite in a few months and helps fight against orange peel...

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Our opinion on the sweat shorts: does it work or not?

What exactly are sweat shorts? How does it work ? When should you wear it? As the name suggests, this very special garment promotes perspiration....

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Sweat pants review: ideal for weight loss?

sweat pants and joggers are everywhere. Many athletes are addicted to it, but how effective is it? Do they really mean weight loss?

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Sweat Leggings Review: Do They Really Work?

Lose weight effortlessly: every woman's dream! And that's the promise of tracksuits and sweating leggings, also called “sauna”. If some people have adopted them with...

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The best pecs exercises with rubber bands

Did you know that exercises for pecs with rubber bands are just as effective as movements with weights and machines? You don't necessarily need elaborate...

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