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Our opinion on the sweat shorts: does it work or not?

Our opinion on the sweat shorts: does it work or not?

What exactly are sweating shorts? How does it work ? When should you wear it? As its name suggests, this very special garment promotes perspiration. A sauna effect essential for sweating more is possible thanks to the different materials of these sweating clothes.

But what's interesting is whether sweat shorts actually work and help lose pounds. This article helps you.

What do sweat shorts look like?

  • The sweat shorts look like a classic short, but the material is completely different. It is made with specific materials such as neoprene and the design of this garment is totally different from the basic and traditional shorts.

  • This fabric is appreciated for its lightness, resistance and flexibility. Even more interesting, it is insulating and is said to have a shape memory, a bit like mattresses.

  • In addition to neoprene, the materials used to make the sweat shorts also include polyamide and PVC. The first displays an interesting flexibility while the second is so robust that it is water and fireproof.

Also read: Review on sweat leggings: do they really work?

short de sudation

Lose fat with sweat shorts

Anyone wondering if the fat burned by the action of sweating shorts disappears?

  • The benefit here is the sweating that will come into play. Warming up the body will cause more sweating. It is she who will allow the evacuation of excess heat in your body. The sweat will get rid of all the toxins, to cleanse your body and have a body that works perfectly. The energy will be better and the digestion also, the skin will also be more beautiful. Fat management will be optimal.

  • So your sweat is going to contain our fat. In 10 kg of fat burned, a study has shown that 8.5 kg were evacuated in the exhalation of the air and 1.5 kg in our liquids such as sweat for example. So even if the sweat remains mostly water, a small part of the fat burned will be eliminated at the same time.

  • The sweating shorts will therefore increase body heat, to increase perspiration, thus burning fat which is evacuated by sweat . It's a good way to lose fat, but this action doesn't work without doing anything.

To find out more: Men's sweat suits: How does it work?

perdre gras short sudation

Physical activity to lose weight with sweat shorts

Wearing the sweat shorts, without doing anything more, will not help you lose weight. For it to be effective, it must be combined with regular physical activity.

Sport will increase your body heat even more to cause the onset of sweating. Having sweat shorts will multiply all the effects of sport on the body, also making the effort more intense:

  • The sport will trigger and then increase the effects of the sweat shorts.
  • Then, the sweat shorts will therefore make the activity more efficient.

Of course, physical activity doesn't have to be intense, but the longer the effort lasts, the more the heat will rise, and the greater the short will be effective on fat loss

Also read: Sweating clothes: are they effective for weight loss?

short de sudation avis

Other benefits of sweat shorts

Apart from weight loss, the benefits of wearing a sweat garment are many and varied:

  • better hydration: sweating profusely, and therefore losing water, encourages you to drink more often. Proper hydration is essential for good health. However, according to a study, eight out of ten French people do not drink enough water.
  • Toxin Elimination: When you sweat, you eliminate toxins. With a sweat shorts, you increase the elimination of these toxins, which purifies your body by evacuating the excess salt as well as the accumulation of calcium in the kidneys, commonly called kidney stones.
  • cellulite prevention: cellulite is caused by water retention. The draining function of sweatwear limits water retention and therefore the formation of cellulite.
  • Smoother, healthier skin: sweat is crucial to healthy skin as it widens pores and wicks away dirt and dead skin .
  • Protection against disease: A recent study indicates that sweat contains a natural antimicrobial peptide. This peptide would help fight bad bacteria that come into contact with the skin.
  • An antidepressant effect: the body releases endorphins when you sweat. Endorphins are the feel-good chemicals that allow the body to reduce stress and anxiety. They make us feel happier and more relaxed.

To know: Stress and weight loss: how to cope?

Some constraints for sweat shorts

  • Without exercises, sweat shorts are useless! Do not hope for a miracle solution by expecting to lose pounds by putting on the shorts.

  • You will just feel a little tight in your clothes, but no beneficial effects will be seen in terms of weight or figure if the body does not move. It is essential to physical effort and exercise to see results.

  • Furthermore, the sweating caused by these shorts is insufficient to cause weight loss. However, heavy sweating helps rid the body of toxins. Faced with this, drinking plenty of water is essential.

An article to read also: 6 reasons to choose the best sweat belt

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When and how to use sweat shorts?

Just wearing sweat clothes is not enough to lose weight!

  • Their use only occurs in connection with regular sporting activity. This activity does not have to be strenuous, in fact many walkers use a belt or sweat shorts as part of their hike.

  • However, be careful not to wear them at any time and anyhow, because if the water losses are greater than the intake, this can lead to dehydration Don't forget to drink regularly throughout your effort .

  • sweatwear can be used over the medium and long term, but not for prolonged periods, because worn for too long, sweatwear can cause irritation and increase vitamin loss too much and mineral salts.

  • For optimal efficiency, it is possible to calculate your sweat rate, but it still depends on the thermal conditions in which you train.

In parallel, read: Why is it important to drink lots of water?

Women's Superhuman Fit Sweat Shorts Reviews

Fit Superhuman is committed to creating and selling the best bodybuilding and fitness accessories on the French market. That's why the range ofsweatwear is quite wide, the women's sweatshorts are no exception.

Available from S to 3XL, the Superhuman Fit sweat shorts are sure to please. And for good reason. Its neoprene fabric and its design are very popular with sportswomen. The reviews, almost all 5 stars, are full of praise on our site.

While some value the material and comfort to wear, others highlight the sauna effect and the result on their thighs and waistline. Indeed, these sweat shorts are designed for:

  • Losing fat in the lower abdomen and lower body (buttocks, thighs, calves)
  • Raise body temperature instantly
  • Allows a guaranteed powerful sauna effect on the lower abdomen and lower body
  • Remove toxins for women who don't sweat enough
  • Burn fat in an accelerated way
  • Make sweat twice as much

There are many commentsfrom previous buyers so you can get your opinion before you start buying!

Also discover: How to lose belly fat with the sweat t-shirt?

les avis sur les shorts de sudation

Men's Superhuman Fit Sweat Shorts Reviews

The range for men also contains sweat shorts on our site. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, men also like to benefit from the advantages of sweatwear during their sports sessions. Whether it's walking, cycling, weight training, these sweat shorts for men deliver!

Many users have also left their review on our site. The comments promote the action of intense sweating during their workouts. Indeed, the sauna effect really works and allows you to lose fat in the area of ​​the shorts. In addition, the orange peel effect is reduced by wearing sweating shorts.

Users also give their opinions on the quality of the product. The material is according to them very easy to wear, does not cause irritation, the seams are solid.All the reviews allow you to get an idea before taking the plunge and adopting it!

For more information: Sweating clothes: are they effective?

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In conclusion

The opinions on sweating shorts are quite unanimous If you combine the wearing of this garment with regular physical activity, you will quickly achieve visible results in the thighs, buttocks and waistline.

However, don't skimp on quality. Superhuman Fit Sweat Shorts are designed with durable materials and to give users maximum comfort. So ready to give it a try?


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