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Cellulite Suction Cup Review: Does It Really Work?

Cellulite Suction Cup Review: Does It Really Work?

The anti-cellulite suction cup has recently been a major success. In theory, it helps to eliminate cellulite in a few months and helps fight against orange peel skin and encrusted dimples. More economical and less painful than a machine, its manual action is also more convincing than a cream. Moreover, more and more well-being practitioners are using it during their lymphatic massages.

This article gives you all the information about the anti-cellulite suction cup and introduces you to the model and the reviewsof the one offered by Fit Superhuman.

What is an anti-cellulite suction cup?

Cupping has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. They are then made of glass and are heated to cause the suction of the skin. They act on the blood and lymphatic circulation to treat many types of pain. This technique is sometimes called cupping.

The anti-cellulite suction cup is a little different since it is made of hypoallergenic silicone. It can therefore be used even outside of a massage given by an experienced practitioner. Simply exert pressure on the suction cup for it to exert suction on the skin.

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ventouse anti cellulite

What are the benefits of an anti-cellulite suction cup?

The anti-cellulite suction cup works on the same principle as traditional Chinese cupping. The pressure that the suction exerts on the skin stimulates blood circulation, but also lymphatic circulation. This suction cup therefore has a very sought-after draining effect which is similar to the massage technique called "palpate-roll".

The main interest of this suction cup is therefore to offer the benefits of a lymphatic massage and to make it accessible to everyone at home. Nevertheless, the use of suction cups may be simple, but it requires a little learning to be perfectly mastered. Indeed, once you have good control of the pressure you exert, you can very precisely stimulate each area of ​​the body and target cellulite.

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How to use an anti-cellulite suction cup?

The anti-cellulite suction cup is used directly on bare skin. You can use a rich oil to make the suction cup glide easier if you wish, but it is not required. Sometimes, to target certain cellulite very precisely, it is preferable not to use oil.

Step 1

Start by identifying the area you want to treat with the suction cup. If you are just starting out, choose a particularly affected area, but stick to a small area. So you can learn gradually.

Step 2

Take the suction cup and squeeze the air out. The more air you push out, the more the suction cup will suck the skin back. You can therefore control the pressure exerted on your skin by taking care not to expel all the air from the suction cup.

Step 3

Maintaining pressure on the suction cup, place it on your skin and gently release it. The skin is sucked and the suction cup is held in place.If your skin is too tight, all you have to do is press the suction cup lightly so that some air enters and the pressure decreases

It is essential that you place the suction cup on the bottom of the area to be treated. This allows movements from bottom to top, and therefore stimulates the blood and lymphatic system in the right direction.

Step 4

Now that the anti-cellulite suction cup is well placed, all you have to do is slowly raise it to the top of the area you are treating. The sensation can be a little unpleasant, but you will definitely feel the famous palpate-roll on your skin.

Step 5

Once at the top of the area to be treated, press the suction cup to take it off, put it back at the bottom of the area, but shift its starting point slightly and horizontally. You just have to start again until you have covered the entire area.

Step 6

After making all the necessary vertical movements, you can start a series again, always starting from the bottom up. On the other hand, no longer make a straight line, but small zigzags to cover the area to be treated even better.

Step 7

Finally, your cupping session should end with a short minute of light circular movements, always with the cupping glued to the skin. You can use a little less pressure on this last step.

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ventouse pour cellulite

What is the best frequency to use the anti-cellulite suction cup?

A anti-cellulite cupping session lasts just a few minutes. It is therefore easy to integrate it into your daily life. It is therefore recommended to use it every day for the first two weeks after purchase. This intensive use makes it possible to attack cellulite and restart lymphatic drainage.

Then you can switch to a slower pace for a few months, or once every two days. Finally, when you have regained your silhouette and if your lifestyle is sufficient, you can use it once a week, or even a month.

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When are the first results visible with an anti-cellulite suction cup?

Most manufacturers of anti-cellulite cups promise results after three weeks. It’s true that lymphatic stimulation and palpating and rolling offer quick results. However, keep in mind that it all depends on your starting point, the condition of your skin and the amount of cellulite to be treated.

Above all, your lifestyle also has an impact on the results of the anti-cellulite suction cup. Like the lymphatic massage, the suction cup is a support that accelerates the achievement of results on your cellulite. However, if you don't watch your diet and exercise, cellulite won't go away. It might even continue to install.

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How to choose an anti-cellulite suction cup?

How to choose the right anti-cellulite suction cup from the available choice?

Most suction cups are the same, provided they meet certain health standards.So, make sure you buy a hypoallergenic model to avoid any risk

As for models that offer supposedly unique and practical shapes, this is nothing more than a selling point. If you prefer it that way, buy this kind of model of anti-cellulite suction cup. However, if you are looking for a lower price, you can skip the fashionable designs.

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massage ventouse cellulite

Suction cups to take care of the skin of the face

The success of anti-cellulite suction cups has also allowed other suction cups to become known. Some smaller, more accurate models are now used on the face. Indeed, facial massages have a well-known positive impact on the lymphatic system. Kobido and facial shiatsu, ancestral techniques, work wonders against wrinkles and skin aging.

These suction cups, smaller in size, are therefore ideal for obtaining beautiful results on the face, even when you are not an expert. In addition, since they are smaller, the pressure they exert on the skin is also less intense. These suction cups for the face are therefore less painful and pose less risk.

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The Superhuman Fit Cellulite Cupping Kit

Fit Superhuman attaches great importance to providing the best in terms of products and equipment. The anti-cellulite suction cups are no exception to the rule.

Indeed, Fit Superhuman offers you a complete kit to defeat cellulite:

  • 4 suction cups of different sizes to target different areas according to your wishes.
  • 1 massaging roller designed to promote blood circulation, metabolism and improve skin tone.
  • 1 bag to carry your kit everywhere.

This anti-cellulite cupping kit is the perfect product to help with weight loss, reducing cellulite while making your skin more supple, smoother and more elastic. Among other things, it allows you to:

  • Promote your blood circulation with a slimming and draining treatment.
  • Circulate the energy of the meridians and help you fight against water retention on your thighs, legs, etc…

  • Effectively fights orange peel skin while contributing to tissue firmness.
  • Deliver firmer skin.
  • Help achieve fuller lips.

Your health will be improved in a global and lasting way thanks to this kit of anti-cellulite suction cups.

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Reviews of Fit Superhuman Cellulite Cupping Kit

The many users of this anti-cellulite cupping kit leave their very positive reviews and comments on the Fit site Superhuman. You can find their feedback on this product.

Many reviews refer to complete satisfaction with the purchase and use of suction cups. Others advocate their rapid effectiveness because results are visible from the first week.You will also find reviewsabout the quality of cupping, made of 100% hypoallergenic medical silicone

Of course, consumer reviews also rate effectiveness if used regularly. Indeed, you have to be diligent in your massages and your palper-roulers to obtain convincing results. However, users mention the ease of handling anti-cellulite suction cups for daily use without a hitch.

For more information: The anti-cellulite suction cup, does it work?

ventouse anti cellulite

In summary

anti-cellulite suction cups are on the rise to effectively combat cellulite and orange peel skin. Easy to use, you can do it from home daily.

Fit Superhuman offers you a complete kit to improve the quality of your skin and the reviews of users of these anti-cellulite suction cups approve of this product 100%!


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The anti-cellulite suction cup has recently been a major success. In theory, it helps to eliminate cellulite in a few months and helps fight against orange peel skin and encrusted dimples. More economical and less...

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