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Items — Vêtement de sudation

Opinion on the sweat belt: effective for a flat stomach?

The sweat belt is a victim of its own success. Many of those who aspire to lose weight permanently expect a lot from it. In...

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Our opinion on the sweat shorts: does it work or not?

What exactly are sweat shorts? How does it work ? When should you wear it? As the name suggests, this very special garment promotes perspiration....

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Sweat pants review: ideal for weight loss?

sweat pants and joggers are everywhere. Many athletes are addicted to it, but how effective is it? Do they really mean weight loss?

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Sweat Leggings Review: Do They Really Work?

Lose weight effortlessly: every woman's dream! And that's the promise of tracksuits and sweating leggings, also called “sauna”. If some people have adopted them with...

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Opinions on super-human fit products

Fit super-human is a website that offers sports programs and accessories. From massage products to recipe books and fitness rubber bands, everything is made to...

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6 reasons to choose the best sweat belt

How do I choose the best sweat belt? Exercise is the most effective way to lose weight and maintain a fit and healthy body with...

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Sweatpants: How do they work?

Are sweat pants effective for weight loss? It is a sports accessory that we see more and more in gyms, whether on bodybuildersor on running...

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Wearing a corset during the day to lose weight: does it work?

Wearing a corset during the day to lose weight is it effective? Want help reaching your weight loss goals? The good news is that sweat...

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Our opinion on the slimming sheath: Good or bad idea?

Looking for reviews on the slimming girdle to make up your own mind about its effectiveness? With the explosion of social networks, we are all...

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Sleeping with a sheath: Good or bad idea?

Can sleeping with a girdle benefit your weight loss? Have you ever dreamed of having an hourglass body? If your workouts aren't enough, you've probably...

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Opinion on the slimming corset: For or against?

Looking for slimming corset reviews? Not sure if this type of fitness accessoryis effective in refining your waistline? This article will guide you! Essentially, the...

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Burn belly fat: 8 effective solutions

Howt burn belly fat effectively and lastingly . No question of playing the yo-yo effect or implementing a strict diet and restrictive ! Having shaped...

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