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6 steps to doing pull-ups with a rubber band

6 steps to doing pull-ups with a rubber band

How do I do pull-ups with a rubber band ? The pull up is an exercise that requires full body control and challenges even elite athletes. This is one of the best upper body exercises, using many major muscles like the biceps, lats, scapula, forearms, and core in one motion. Seeing someone do 20 pull-ups in a row like it's no big deal is a major feat in itself!

This is a difficult exercise, an indication of their usefulness. If you're one of the many people who are intimidated by pull-ups, we're here to show you that it doesn't have to be! In fact, if you follow the proper steps to gain strength where you need it and train your muscles with proper technique, you'll master elastic pull-ups !

Before starting pull-ups with a rubber band

Before we dive into pulling up training with resistance bands, let's cover some basic safety precautions first. As always, the most important aspect of exercise is to maintain a healthy and capable body.

We train to be functional in our day-to-day lives and injuries are not conducive to functionality. Be sure to consider the following before doing a rubber band pull-up:

  • Use proper equipment: Pull-up bars are the most obvious component of the exercise, and we need to make sure we have the right setup for our needs. Not all pull up bars are created equal. You may be familiar with tension rod style pull up bars that you can twist to fit into a doorway. We do not recommend using them. Indeed, if you do not fix the bar with screws, it may fall out of the frame, which makes it dangerous. Instead, make sure the bar you're using screws into the walls on either side of it or into the ceiling above, or is part of a freestanding rack. Make sure it's really sturdy and won't weaken during use.

  • Start Slow: While using resistance bands for pull-ups is a great training tool, there are a number of steps that are extremely important to focus on before you even start. 'get there. It's essential for your safety and muscle development to master each of these beginner exercises before incorporating resistance bands into your workout. Once your muscles know how to properly engage without thinking, you can move on to assisted pull-ups.

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Steps for successful rubber band traction

Active suspension

The first step is to work on the strength of your grip on the bar. If your goal is to perform 10 consecutive pull-ups, for example, you will need to ensure that your hands can support the weight of your body for the duration of 10 full pull-ups.

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Start with this active suspension exercise to work on your grip, as well as activating your back and core muscles. Note that active blocking is very different from passive blocking.Make sure you're engaging the proper muscles to lift yourself up and out of your shoulders. Here's how:

  • Grasp the bar wider than shoulder-width distance, fingers facing forward.
  • Raise your feet off the ground so that all your body weight hangs down.
  • Engage your shoulder blade and lats, and pull your shoulder blades back and down.
  • Your ears should lift out of your shoulders.
  • Hold for 20 seconds and perform 3 sets.

dos musclé tractions

From active to passive suspension

We will subtly raise the bar in this second step. In this exercise we are going to add to the active suspension by lowering into a passive suspension and then repeating. The process of performing this movement in reps works the scapula and lats. Grasp the bar wider than shoulder-width distance, fingers facing forward. Lift your feet off the ground so that all your body weight hangs down.

Engage your shoulder blade and lats, and pull your shoulder blades back and down. Lower yourself into passive suspension, temporarily disengaging your shoulder blade and lats. Repeat this movement 10 times for 2 sets.

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Lat pull-down

We are now entering the realm of pulling exercises with rubber band. side pulldowns using a resistance band reinforce how to properly engage the muscles needed for pull-ups.

In this step, focus specifically on using your lats instead of your hands and arms. As far as the exercise goes, this exercise is basically a pull-up using a rubber band instead of a barbell:

  • Place a medium resistance band around a pull-up bar, pulling one end of the loop until it is tightly wrapped.
  • Kneel on the floor under the resistance band, facing parallel to the bar.
  • Rest your elbow in the loop of the band and grab the band with your hand overhead to stabilize.
  • Pull your elbow all the way to your side using your side muscles.
  • The shoulder blades remain down and back throughout the movement; move slowly with control.
  • Slowly raise your elbow to the starting position.
  • Repeat this movement 20 times for 2 sets.

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Isometric Hold Up

Energy conservation is a critical part of successful pull-ups. By keeping your abs tight and in control throughout a movement, you can limit swinging and become much more efficient.

In this exercise, we're going to focus on controlling by standing still at the top. Start from the active suspension position. Pull yourself up so your chin is above the bar making sure your shoulder blade and lats are engaged. Hold at the top for 10 seconds. Slowly lower yourself to an active hanging position. Repeat this 3 times.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: How to build your back muscles at home with elastic resistance bands?

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Eccentric contraction

In this step, we will perform assisted pull-ups using a chair or box The main objective is to lower you slowly from your highest position until that your knees rest on the support. Stand on a stable chair or box to get over the bar.

Get into an isometric hold position from step 4 and bend your legs behind you. Lower yourself to the count of 3 (slowly, without rushing) until your knees rest on the chair. Go back up and repeat this until failure. If you can do this 10 times for 3 sets, you're ready to take the next step!

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Assisted traction with rubber band

After completing steps 1-5, you will probably feel tired. Here's your chance to give it your all in a assisted and controlled elastic pull .

We are going to use a resistance band to make sure the form of execution stays correct and does not suffer from our fatigue. You will thus be able to familiarize yourself with assisted pull-ups and progress over time.

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tractions assistées

Choosing resistance bands for elastic pull-ups

Since the type of elastic you are going to use will play a big role in your progress, we recommend the Resistance Elastic Bands™, in particular because they offer 5 different resistance levels.

The variable straps range from 5 to 75kg and feature a door anchor that is quick and easy to install. This is ideal for progressing and tailoring each workout to your fitness level for the day. Best of all, you don't even need a pull-up bar at first!

It is an excellent alternative to improve muscle definition and strength at the same rate as dumbbells and machines. Super compact and portable, these resistance bands follow you everywhere. Little by little, you will gain confidence and become stronger and strongerin your upper body.

The goal? Succeed in doing a full, unassisted traction as soon as you feel ready! Guaranteed for 1 year and versatile, these bands can also be used to intensify all your other bodyweight exercises!

In summary: Pull-ups with rubber band

Pull-ups with rubber band are a great way to progress in traction. It's perfect for beginners who are intimidated by exercise or athletes who want to rehabilitate a sore muscle.

To make sure you get the most out of your exercise, follow the steps in this article before moving on to full assisted pull-ups. Then, we recommend that you bet on the Elastic Bodybuilding Resistance Bands™ to take advantage of the best quality/price ratiofor your pull-ups with elastic !

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