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Top 10 exercises with elastiband to train at home

Top 10 exercises with elastiband to train at home

Looking for effective elastiband exercises? You are in the right place ! Resistance Bands are probably the best workout tool you can get on the cheap. Whether you are beginner or already at an advanced level of fitness, resistance band exercises can give your muscles a good challenge!

You can perform these totarget all parts of your body, without putting extra pressure on the joints. These movements make it possible to isolate the large muscle groups as well as to work the smaller muscles, which have a role of stabilizers. In this article, we reveal the top 10 elastiband exercises for a full body workout at home!

abduction hanches exercice

Why exercise with an elastiband?

The resistance bands are quality weight training equipment, which allows you to simply build muscle at home. Elastiband exercises are as effective at gaining muscle or losing weight as the machines in the gym! In addition, you benefit from a adjustable difficulty. For example, the Super-Human Fitness™ 3-Level Cloth Elastic Bands™ offer 3 different resistance difficulties.

Depending on your form and the exercise you perform, you can therefore adapt the desired intensity. It's the perfect fitness accessoryto build up your buttocks, inner thighs and lower body. Super easy and convenient to carry, you can train easily everywhere and stay in good shape. This elastiband is made of durable fabric to guarantee excellent durability and 0 tearing. Get the perfect body and the muscular glutes you crave!

élastique fitness

10 ideas for exercises with elastiband

Wall side pulldown

Our first exercise with elastiband is ideal for strengthening the trapezius muscles and the upper back. To do this, stand with your back to the wall. Place the resistance band around your thumbs or wrists and stretch your arms above your head.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: How to properly treat pain in the trapezius muscle?

Draw your arms down and your elbows out to the side, bent at a 90 degree angle, while stretching the band and bringing your shoulder blades together. Return to the starting position to complete one repetition. This exercise is less famous among women, hence the advantage of having an elastiband with 3 levels of intensity: you can progress little by little.

Tricep extensions

As its name suggests, this exercise with elastiband targets the triceps. How to do the movement? Hold theResistance Band in your hands with your elbows bent.

Place your right elbow above your head with your right forearm parallel to the floor. The left hand should be in front of the left shoulder. Extend your right arm while keeping it close to your head. As your right arm straightens, you should feel the band stretch and your right arm muscles working. Return to starting position.

For more information: All you need to know about the pulley triceps extension

Bicep curls

Again, no surprises with the name of this exercise with elastic band! It isolates the biceps for strong, muscular arms.Sit on a chair, step or other flat surface Tuck the elastic band under your right knee and hold it with your right hand.

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Pull your hand towards your right shoulder against the resistance of the band. Your upper arm should stay still as you pull the rubber band, keeping your elbow under your shoulder and close to your body. Release the hold and return to the starting position. Do all reps on one side, then switch to the other side.

dips exercice maison

External shoulder rotation

This exercise with elastiband works the shoulders and upper back. Place the band around your wrists. Bend your elbows and keep them close to your body. Move your forearms to the side to stretch the band. Rotate your palms at the same time, so that they are facing up once the band is stretched.

Return to starting position to complete one rep. This movement stretches the elastiband a lot, hence the interest of choosing a ripstop and fabric model to protect your skin.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: How to build your back muscles at home with elastic resistance bands?

Fire hydrant

Now let's move on to lower body strength training with this next elastiband exercise. It's perfect for strengthening your glutes and hamstrings. Start on all fours. The resistance band should be above your knees.

To find out more, don't hesitate to read: How to refine your thighs in 1 week and 7 sessions?

Keep your neck, back and hips aligned. Move your left leg to the side to stretch the band. The rest of your body should stay in place, straight. Don't turn sideways. Return to the starting position and do all reps on one side, then switch to the other side. For this optimal exercise to round the glutes, you will quickly be tempted to increase the intensity for push-up muscles!

Donkey kick

This new exercise is great for strengthening your glutes and hamstrings, this time targeting different parts of this muscle group. Start on all fours. The elastic band should be above your knees. Keep your neck, back and hips aligned.

Technically, you start in the same position as for the fire hydrant: it is the movement made that changes. Raise the left heel to stretch the band. Make sure to keep your hips level and not round your back. Return to the starting position. Do all reps on one side, then switch to the other side.

In order to have the maximum results: How to strengthen your buttocks with rubber bands at home?

Plank core with leg lift

Theexercise with elastiband of the plank plank with leg raise targets the oblique abs, glutes and hamstrings. It is therefore a very complete movement! Place your body in a high plank position with your hands and feet touching the ground. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.

The resistance band should be placed around your ankles. Engage your core and glutes and lift your left heel against the resistance of the band.Keep your body aligned, do not arch your back or rotate your body Return to starting position. Do all reps on one side, then switch to the other side.

For as much information as possible: Ab wheel, best abs accessory? Our opinion

Squat with lateral abduction

This exercise with elastiband focuses primarily on glute and quadriceps training. Along with hip abduction, this movement targets the part of the glutes called the “gluteus medius”. The gluteus medius works especially hard when balancing in a single leg position. That's why strengthening it also allows you to stabilize and improve your physical form.

Begin to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes parallel or slightly pointing out. The resistance band should be above your knees. Perform a squat and as you come back up, lift your right leg out to the side, squeezing the outer part of your glutes. As you step back, lower yourself back into a squat. You can switch sides with each repetition.

An article on this subject: How to grow your buttocks by training at home?

fesses rebondies

Jump squat

Let's enjoy a little more explosiveness with this elastiband exercise! The jump squat is a more dynamic version of the classic squat, which allows you to work on your speed with the jump phase. Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes parallel or slightly pointing out.

The resistance band should be above your knees. Perform a squat, then jump forcefully into a jump during the come-up phase. Land gently on the soles of your feet: you shouldn't hear much noise when landing and control your movement. You can get back up in between or continue with another jump if you feel up to it.

Learn more about this exercise: What is the Jump Squat?

Hip abduction

To continue with a homogeneous gluteal musculature, we recommend one last exercise with elastiband : hip abduction. Stand next to a wall and hold it with your hand for support. The elastic band should be placed around your ankles.

You can reduce the resistance by moving the band above your knees. Raise your right leg to the side while contracting your outer glutes. Keep your body straight, don't bend your torso. Return to the starting position. Do all reps on one side, then switch to the other side.

In parallel, do not hesitate to read: Top 8 exercises for your abs and buttocks session

élastique fitness

In summary: Exercises with elastiband

The exercises with elastiband are therefore ideal for women who wish to carry out effective sports sessions from home. Very economical, this weight training accessory allows you to train absolutely all muscle groups, whether arms, glutes or abs.

With the 3 Level Cloth Elastic Bands™ and a bit of regularity, you will be able to reduce your fat rateand increase your muscle mass for a fit and muscular body.Here is a little reminder of the top 10 exercises with élastiband:

  • side wall pulldown;
  • tricep push-ups;
  • bicep curls;
  • external rotation of the shoulders;
  • fire hydrant;
  • donkey kick;
  • plank sheathing with leg elevation;
  • squat with lateral abduction;
  • jump squat;
  • hip abduction

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