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6 best chest exercises with rubber band

6 best chest exercises with rubber band

To work the pecs in bodybuilding, you don't necessarily need machines or dumbbells. Rubber bands are just as effective and put less stress on the joints when performing movements. The resistance provided by the elastic bands allows you to work your pecs in depth, effectively.

Rings also have many advantages in chest training which will be detailed next. There are many bodybuilding exercises for pectorals with rubber bands and you can model your session on the top given in this article!

Benefits of rubber band for chest exercises

Many people do not train properly with a rubber band, and therefore they may question the usefulness of this accessory. Yet, according to many fitness experts, resistance bands are an extremely effective tool for progressing in strength training and performing chest exercises. Here are the benefits:

  • Linear Variable Resistor: This allows for more control. You can increase the weight used in a chest exercise by simply minimizing your movement. Unlike weights, there is no fixed level of resistance with bands. It's easier to make small adjustments to control your movement and ultimately to maximize the efficiency of each set.
  • Superior Time Under Tension: With rubber bands you can maximize your results. You may think that the heavier the load, the higher the mechanical tension. This is true, but only to a certain extent.

    To trigger muscle hypertrophy, we need to consider our time under tension factor, which is how long you hold the resistance. With a rubber band, you have better control over the quality and speed of the movement.

    So you can increase your chest tension time by slowing down your three movement times: eccentric, isometric and concentric .

  • Mechanical Tension: As with dumbbells or any other weight, the key to muscle growth is resistance to tension. And precisely, the rubber bands create a resistance in a given movement. Therefore, they trigger muscle hypertrophy, just like conventional weights and machines do.

  • Respect for the joints: the risk of joint and muscle injuries is reduced compared to the use of weights. The bands allow you to preserve the muscles, tendons and joints during exercise.

    Indeed, the tension of the rubber bands will naturally follow the muscle contraction and accompany it. The resistance will be stronger as the contraction of the muscles increases. It is therefore perfect at the muscular and articular level.

    You will be able to increase the resistance on the muscles when they are strongest and contracted, without increasing the tension and the stress when they are weaker. The quality of your sessions will necessarily improve, as will your strength. This is an incredible advantage, because it is very difficult to progress alone with dumbbells, because there is bound to be a time when you need help to continue progressing.

  • Convenient: You can train anytime and anywhere. The resistance bands are transportable at will.Then you have no excuse to skip a workout since you can do it from anywhere! As you have the opportunity to train every day, your progress will only be more spectacular!

Also read: 5 essential back row exercises with rubber band

bandes élastiques

Top 6 chest exercises with rubber band


  • If you don't have dips bars, you can very well do it between two stable chairs Here the band goes around the neck and around the two thumbs to secure the socket.

  • The rest, you probably know, keep your elbows close to your body and hold for a few seconds in a high position.

  • In addition to the pectorals, you will also use the triceps during this weight training exercise.


Horizontal press

  • To perform this bodybuilding exercise, if you don't have a bar or an anchor to attach your band to, you can simply pass it behind your back, knowing that you won't have a great amplitude.

  • You will probably have to wrap the tape several times in your hands. The other solution is to go on the floor press, that is to say, to lie down with your back to the ground, band at the level of the shoulder blades.

  • Once the band is attached behind you at chest height, take a big step forward to put it under tension from the initial position, so you work your pecs in constant tension. Keep your elbows parallel to the ground throughout the exercise.


  • This chest exercise replaces the use of a pulley, which you don't have at home. You will work unilaterally.

  • Once the band is attached at the level of the feet for this exercise, grasp it with one hand, extend your arm by bending your elbow slightly and pull the band giving it a diagonal trajectory.

  • In the initial position, really try to have your arm pulled back to get a good stretch and range of motion.


  • Push-ups are already an ultra-complete pectoral exercise, so what about the elastic version! Start with a series of bodyweight warm-ups, then pull out your band.

  • If you can't do push-ups in their purest form, push up on your knees. As with indoor training, start with low resistance bands then increase over the series.

  • Pass your elastic band on either side of your shoulders, one loop in each hand, either around the thumb or in the hollow of the palms. The band is therefore in tension on your back, at the level of your shoulder blades.

  • Get into a push-up position, hands in line with your shoulders, body in a perfect straight line.

  • Go down, then back up against the resistance exerted. If it's too easy, wrap your hands around an extra loop with the band to increase the tension or switch to a thicker band.

pompes elastique

Inclined press

  • Many people use the "bench press" + "incline press" combo to hammer their pecs from different angles when they're in the gym. But it is quite possible to do the same with rubber bands!

  • Pass the elastic in your lower back and still wrapped around your thumbs.Sit with your back to the wall, the thrust will come from below to target the top of the pecs Push at a 45° angle to have this desired inclination.

  • Be careful not to bring your arms together at the end of the trajectory, otherwise you will involve your triceps more. Hold the final position with your arms straight for a few seconds, as this is where the maximum intensity and peak contraction occurs.

Bench press

  • Classic bodybuilding exercise for the pecs, you can do it with rubber bands. To get into the starting position, lie on your back with your elastic band going under your chest just below your armpits. Your feet should be flat with your knees bent.

  • Hook each end of the band around your hands, between your thumb and forefinger. Place your arms in line with your back, elbows resting on the floor and forearms vertical. Now gently extend your arms upwards and inwards, without locking your elbows and until your hands meet in the middle, above your sternum.

  • To add difficulty to this elastic bench press, you can change your grip style. Instead of hooking the band between your thumb and fingers, grab the ends in your fist, like you would a barbell or dumbbell. You'll find this more challenging, but it has the added benefit of working your forearm muscles and increasing grip strength.

Also, for as much information as possible: 8 exercises to build up your pecs quickly

Superhuman Fit elastic resistance bands for your chest exercises

To perform these muscle-building exercises for the pectorals with a super elastic band, opt for the pack offered by Fit Superhuman. The kit of 5 elastic bands, offering a load of 5 to 75 kg, is compact, delivered in a carrying bag that you can take anywhere. No more excuses for skipping a workout!

Supplied with ankle straps, handles and an anchor point, this pack of elastic bands allows you to perform chest exercises, but also the body entire. Your workouts will only be more beneficial for your body with this high-performance accessory.

For more information: Fitness-Superhuman rubber band: User reviews

bandes élastiques

In summary

The pecs are one of the most stressed muscles in bodybuilding. There are many exercises to develop the chest and bust.

Using the rubber band to achieve this is jam-packed with benefits to prevent injury to your body and help your workout progress. From dips to bench press, to push-ups, all the variants with rubber bands are possible to obtain concrete pectorals!

Choose the elastic resistance bands Superhuman Fit and your bodybuilding exercises will be even more enjoyable!


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