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How to work the trapezius well?

How to work the trapezius well?

Are you wondering how to work the trapezius well? Trapezius muscle training requires respecting several points such as the choice of exercises, the technical quality of the movements, recovery, warming up and progression. Many points that allow you to really take advantage of each session to progress well.

Whether you use machines, dumbbells or rubber bands, trapezius training is widely varied so you don't get bored in your sessions. This article gives you all the advice to work your trapezius well.

Should the trapezius muscles be worked on?

  • The traps are a diamond-shaped muscle group that runs from the base of the head to the shoulders before returning to the spine in the middle of the back. The trapeziuses are involved in virtually all back exercises, a large part of the shoulder exercises, and they serve to stabilize the shoulder girdle on other upper body movements and on major basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, weightlifting exercises, kettlebell exercises,...

  • In short, they work all the time. Wanting to work them in isolation is very often a big mistake that leads to muscle imbalances, and especially a lack of progress in this group.

  • For beginners, the answer is clear: trapezius training is totally useless and therefore a waste of time. They will progress naturally with the help of the work of the other muscle groups.

  • Worse, training the traps, which are naturally very strong, leads to serious technical problems later on. Indeed, they may take over when you train the shoulders or the back and in the end you will not understand why you are not progressing.

  • For the intermediate athlete, the targeted work of the trapezius is not of interest either. At most, you can use certain trapeze exercises to do what is called strength potentiation during your specific pectoral strength cycles for example. Other than that, it's still a waste of time.

  • For experts, that is to say those who have already developed a large muscle mass, who are more into the details of aesthetics, working the trapezius muscles can make sense to correct an imbalance. This is justified by the level of expertise which implies that many other corrections have been made upstream to compensate for other imbalances.

  • On the other hand, for certain sports, in particular contact sports such as rugby, American football, combat sports, the work of the trapezoids has a safety justification: they contribute to the protection of the cervical and must therefore be at 100 % operational to counter certain risks that these sports produce.

Also read: 5 essential back row exercises with rubber band

bande de résistance

How to determine the work of the trapezoids?

  • When setting up a training program to strengthen your traps, you must follow the steps in order. The choice of exercises will come at the end of the chain, to fill the session. But it is necessary beforehand to define the routine, the intensities, to observe the real delays.

  • When the implementation of the program is complete, you have chosen the duration of your training cycle, the objectives of intensity, volume, training frequency, and all this according to the techniques of workout you are going to use during the cycle, it will then, and only then, be necessary to choose these exercises for the trapezius

  • This is where several pieces of information will come into play: the area to be targeted of course, but also and above all the type of exercise. No question of using isolation exercises with the highest intensities. And conversely, except in special cases, using basic exercises to target a muscle and break it risks being counterproductive.

Find out more: Top 3 must-do dumbbell trapeze exercises

What exercises to work the trapezius muscles?


chin-ups at the bar allow you to strengthen the lower part of the trapezius as well as the latissimus dorsi, the teres major, the biceps brachii and the brachialis anterior.

The rhomboids are also muscular during neck pull-ups taken wide and the pectorals during a supine grip.

The military bench press

  • The neck press with bar and the military press with dumbbells are ideal for strengthening the upper and lower bundles of the trapezius, the deltoid and the serratus anterior.
  • However, the use of dumbbells should be prioritized for all exercises aimed at lifting a load above the horizontal line passing through the head of the humerus.

  • Under these conditions, it is easier to mobilize the lower bundles of the trapezius to ensure the external bell, or tilting of the scapula, without triggering painful friction between the head of the humerus, the acromion and the clavicle.
Le développé militaire

The high draw

  • Equipped with a barbell, in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart, lift the barbell by bending your arms at 90°. This exercise targets the upper trapezius bundles.

  • Practice the rowing in an inclined position with two dumbbells to target the work of the lower beams of the trapezius muscles.

The shrug

  • To shrug means to shrug. The shrug is an isolation exercise that works exclusively on the trapezius muscles. Simply hold a barbell or two dumbbells with your arms straight and shrug your shoulders. It is thus the upper beams of the 2 trapezius muscles that are solicited.

  • The use of dumbbells is preferable because the movement is anatomically more natural. The arms are on the side, unlike the bar which requires you to adopt a slightly forward back posture, even clearly bent if your hands are too close together. the other.

  • As part of a unilateral functional training, you can even use only one dumbbell, also held with an outstretched arm. The effort devoted to moving the load is then coordinated with an overall body effort of balance and posture.

Also read: How to build muscle in the back of the shoulder quickly?

Top 3 exercises to work the trapezius with elastic bands

Sweater apart

  • This exercise for traps and shoulders with elastic works your shoulders back and upper back, helping you to correct and avoid rounded shoulders.It also helps improve posture and shoulder stability, making it easier to move overhead

  • This movement is ideal for people who do activities that require them to lean forward. Hold the rubber band and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Lengthen your spine and keep your elbows slightly bent. Spread the tape as far as you can.

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. To increase the intensity, bringing your hands closer together on the band will increase the resistance.
Pull-apart exercice

Overhead pull-downs

  • Attach a resistance band to the top of a power rack (or other stable surface) so that it hangs down in front of you. You should be in a squat position with your back straight. Your neck should be aligned with your spine, so remember that you are not looking straight ahead, but rather down.

  • For this exercise for trapezius with rubber band, raise your arms so they cover your ears and keep your hands in a neutral grip with your thumbs pointing toward the ceiling.

  • Keeping your arms straight, pull down and back so that your hands meet the sides of your hips. Your elbows should be locked throughout the movement. Then slowly release.

Standing row

  • This exercise with elastic targets your lats, middle and lower traps. Contract your shoulder blades when you are at the top of the movement. Avoid hunching your shoulders and keep your neck relaxed. Secure the resistance band around a doorknob or something stable and secure.

  • Grab a handful in each hand. Keep your elbows bent and your forearms parallel to the floor. Move your right arm to the sides of your ribs. Slowly return to starting position.

In parallel, read also: Bodybuilding : how to get broad shoulders quickly?

Standing row exercice

Choosing the super-human fit elastic resistance bands to work the trapezius muscles

There are a number of things to consider when buying resistance bands for strength training. It is worth buying several bands with different levels of resistance.

The elastic bands with super-human fit allow you to choose between 5 and 75 kilos of resistance. You can even buy a second kit if you want to go further. You can then work the traps by increasing your load as you perform.

It is also important to choose bands that are comfortable and easy to use: some rubber bands will have handles, others will not. The elastic bands from super-human fit have ergonomic handles so that they do not hinder or injure you during your workouts.

You will also find straps to attach the elastic bands to your ankles during your exercises for the trapezius muscles or any other muscle.

For more information: 8 simple techniques to relax the trapezoids

bande de résistance

In summary for working the trapezius

To work the trapezius muscles, do not only target this muscle with isolation exercises if you are not a confirmed athlete or if your discipline does not require it. It is useless to force on this muscle because you risk being disappointed not to have results.

There are many exercises to work the trapezius muscles and the surrounding muscles. The most effective is the use of elastic resistance bands for in-depth work at your own pace. So ready to start trapeze work?


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Are you wondering how to work the trapezius well? Trapezius muscle training requires respecting several points such as the choice of exercises, the technical quality of the movements, recovery, warming up and progression. Many points...

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