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100 skipping rope jumps: how many calories burned?

100 skipping rope jumps: how many calories burned?

The number of calories for 100 skipping rope jumps greatly depends on how much time you spend exercising.

However, there are jumping exercises that burn more calories than others. The skipping rope is a fun and challenging exercise that allows you to burn off energy, and therefore calories, in a short time.

On average, you can burn 200-300 calories in just 15 minutes of training with your jump rope. Everyone is different (level, weight, intensity, etc.), but an athlete generally burns 25% more calories per minute than running!

This article aims to guide you so that you can burn the most calories possible with 100 skipping rope jumps!

What determines the number of calories for 100 skipping rope jumps

The factors at play

Several factors affect the calorie burn rate per 100 jump rope jumps. Some key factors play a major role: the amount of time you spend jumping rope, your body weight and the complexity of your exercises, the number of jumps you do and the speed of your training.

It makes sense: the heavier you are, the more calories you burn jumping rope, because it will take more effort to lift your body with each jump. Discover all the benefits of jumping rope in this article.

It's also no surprise that skipping faster burns more calories in less time. The faster you pick up the pace (trying to stay as steady as possible), the more energy you expend.

Finally, the complexity of the workout routinealso comes into play. It's harder to quantify here, but adding more complex moves to your jump rope routine can increase the number of calories burned.

This allows you to vary the intensity levels. You also strengthen your lower body when you jump rope, so it's a complete exercise that leads to you having more muscular calves.

Also read: Skipping rope for weight loss: your slimming ally

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Listening to everyone's needs

Technically, there is no ideal program for rope training. It all depends on your level and the results you want to achieve.

Just because you're used to running or swimming regularly doesn't mean you'll find it easy to jump rope. It is a type of very intense exercise which imposes impacts on your joints and therefore requires good control of your various movements.

However, every athlete, whether beginner or advanced, will find many benefits to this type of physical exercise, combined with a good diet.

Of course, there are some unmistakable principles: if you train for a long time at an increased speed and combine different types of jumps, you will burn more calories.

But you can also “cheat” by maximizing your calorie burnthanks to choosing the right jump rope.

Also, for as much information as possible:
The skipping rope in crossfit: your best ally?

The right gear to burn more calories with 100 jump rope jumps

As with any weight training or any cardio session, the quality of the equipment used will have an impact on the results obtained The more your equipment is adapted to your objectives, the more you will be able to progress effectively.

Super-Human Fitness precisely offers quality fitness accessories, which allow you to train at home in a safe and productive way. No need to pay for a gym or invest in expensive equipment!

Skipping rope allows you to increase your calorie consumption for 100 jumps of skipping rope. Featuring non-slip, ergonomically shaped handles, this skipping rope is ultra-lightweight.

You can carry it everywhere so you can train wherever you want. In order to adapt to all morphologies (up to 2 meters in height), the rope length is adjustable.

Its fast 360° ball bearing system gives you professional, smooth and effortless rotation. Suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes, the Steel Pro Skipping Rope has been designed and thought out to promote fat burning.

You will therefore be able to improve your muscle definition, but also burn more calories than with a classic skipping rope.

It's a cardio accessory perfect for those who want effective and fast results: up to 200 calories burned in 10 minutes of training! To learn more about this, you can read this article: Skipping rope to lose weight: Your slimming ally.

For maximum results: How to gain weight healthily?

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Tips to Increase Calories for 100 Skipping Rope Jumps

If you want to burn a high number of calories per 100 jumps of the jump rope, you need to do it the right way. To do this, you can improve the results obtained with 7 simple tips here:

  • A good length of rope : Stand in the center of the rope with your feet shoulder-width apart. The handles should reach waist height when your elbows are bent at the sides. A rope that is too long or too short can cause you to trip;
  • It's all about the wrists: most athletes swing the rope too much and use their shoulders instead of their arms when jumping. Rather than make this mistake, hold the jump rope with your elbows bent and tucked in at your sides, and let your wrists do most of the work. The range of motion should be small and controlled. Concentrate on the movement of your wrists.
  • Maintaining a Low Altitude: Another common mistake is jumping too high. You just want to have enough room for the rope to slide under your feet. Keep your knees soft and stay on the balls of your feet, using them as a springboard. Thus, it is your calves that will work.
  • Control your speed: Uncontrolled speed, and you risk getting your feet tangled in the jump rope. It's not a race, rather bet on endurance and try to hold on for the length.
  • Footwork : it is recommended to shift your weight slightly from side to side during each jump. This way you will find your rhythm and be less tired.
  • Measuring Your Progress: Challenge yourself to complete 10 jumps, then 20, then 30 without stopping. Until you reach 100 jumps. Once you can jump for a minute without tripping, take out the stopwatch and jump rope for two minutes, then five minutes, etc. Make it a game!

Also, don't hesitate to read: Skipping rope challenge to lose weight

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An ideal routine to burn maximum calories with 100 skipping rope jumps

While there isn't a perfect program for everyone, try this 10-minute jump rope workout.

It is relevant and thought to increase calorie expenditure with 100 skipping rope jumps.

Perform each movement for one minute, progressing through the 5 exercises in a circuit and respecting minimum rest times between each of them. If possible, perform two turns:

  1. Kicks: Stand upright with the jump rope behind your heels. Swing the rope and jump over it with your right foot. As the jump rope rotates, kick forward with your left foot. Alternate then, jumping with your left foot and kicking with your right foot. Continue this sequence of jumps and kicks for 60 seconds.

  2. Single Jumps: Keep jumping, this time with your feet parallel and hips apart. Continue for 60 seconds.

  3. Lunges: After each jump, step one foot back and put your toes on the ground to perform a back lunge. Return to starting position and jump again. You can alternate sides for 60 seconds, or spend 30 seconds on each side.

  4. Alternating Single Jumps: Continue jumping by performing 10 jumps on the rope with your right foot, then 10 with your left, for a total of 60 seconds.

  5. The Sprint: Return to a simple jump position, this time going as fast as you can while maintaining good execution of the movement.

To always have more results: 7 workouts with a jump rope (hiit and tabata).

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Summary: Calories for 100 Skipping Rope Jumps

Thus, the calorie expenditure for 100 skipping rope jumps depends on your body type, the speed at which you train and the complexity of the jumps executed.

However, we can see an average of 200 to 300 calories for 15 minutes of training, which is excellent.

To increase your energy consumption and increase the number of calories burned, the Steel Pro™ Jump Rope of Super-Human Fitness is ideal.

Combine the quality of this equipment with the advice provided in this article and you will quickly reach your goals!

Whether for better muscle definition, better endurance or weight loss, this type of exercise is ideal for burn calories with 100 jump rope jumps in record time !

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Steel Pro™ Skipping Rope

The number of calories for 100 skipping rope jumps greatly depends on how much time you spend exercising. However, there are jumping exercises that burn more calories than others. The skipping rope is a fun...

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