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The Complete Guide to Bungee Rowing

The Complete Guide to Bungee Rowing

Also known as the bent over row, rowing with a rubber band is an effective bodybuilding exercise for strengthening your back. It solicits the deep and dorsal muscles for a drawn and thick back, as well as a better posture of your trunk.

The advantage of elastics is that you can practice rowing anywhere: in the gym, at home, on vacation, outdoors,... This article gives you all the steps and advice for perfectly successful rowing with elastic.

Muscles used when rowing with elastic

To begin with, it is the back muscles that work during rowing. More precisely, the back muscles are enormously solicited and also the deep muscles. It will allow you to obtain a thick and defined back.

It is also important to work these muscles to have a good posture of the trunk. This will save you the risk of injury or back pain caused by everyday activities. Using elastic bands also allows you to reduce joint stress compared to weight training with dumbbells.

Other muscles also work in the background. This is the case, for example, of the posterior deltoids. Indeed, these muscles are located at the back of the shoulders and allow the shoulder to move backwards. In addition, the biceps, located on the front of the arm, also work.

Also read: 5 criteria for choosing the best weight lifting elastic

muscles du dos

Execution of the row with elastic step by step

To perform a rowing with elastic, your trunk must remain straight throughout the movement. This will allow you to contract your abdominals so as not to bend your back.

Also, fix a point in front of you, towards the floor to keep the neck aligned with the spine. Finally, the elbows must go back and not outwards.

Starting position

  • Standing, position the elastic under your feet then grasp it at each end with your hands in a neutral position.

  • The distance between your feet is the width of your shoulders. Then, bend your chest forward and pull out your pecs. Your legs are slightly bent.


  • Pull the elastic by bringing your elbows backwards without moving your bust.

  • But be careful, your elbows should not go outwards. Exhale during this step.

Return to initial position

  • Return to the initial position, checking the resistance of the elastic.

  • If you do multiple repetitions, always keep a slight bend in your elbows. Inhale during this step.

Find out more: 5 essential back row exercises with rubber band

bandes élastiques

Variants of the row with elastic

To continue your back training with rubber band, there are many exercises.

Trapeze work

The trapezius muscle covers the shoulder, neck and back. This exercise allows you to gently strengthen the trapezius muscles, to find a more solid back and well-sculpted shoulders. To do this, here are the steps:

  • You can perform this exercise standing or kneeling, legs shoulder-width apart, abs tight.

  • Place the elastic around your wrists, elbows bent, behind you. Hold your arms apart on either side of your head.You can even vary the exercise by practicing it arms in the air

  • Slowly and gently, spread your arms out. You should feel your upper back working.

  • Bring your arms closer to you, while maintaining light elastic tension.

Also, don't hesitate to read: How to work the trapezius well?


Wide grip draw

This exercise, primarily intended for the latissimus dorsi muscles, is a lighter version of the pull-ups. Indeed, you will work the same muscles, but you can adapt the effort to your abilities. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Place the anchor at the top of the door.
  • Grab the handles overhand.
  • Extend your arms forward and check that the bands are barely in tension and remember not to lock your elbows.
  • Get down on one knee.
  • Bend your torso forward keeping your back straight.
  • Bring your elbows in towards your buttocks, trying to keep them as far away from your chest as possible.
  • Return to starting position.

Outstretched arms extension

It focuses only on the latissimus dorsi on each side and is therefore a good finishing exercise, for example in 3rd position after sets of pulling and rowing. To do this, you need:

  • Place the anchor at the top of the door.
  • Get on your knees or sit on your heels, far enough away from the door so you don't bump into it during movement
  • Grasp the handles with an overhand grip, arms almost straight.
  • Keep your back straight during the set.
  • Lower your arms to your sides, keeping them straight.
  • Return to starting position.

Bust lift

This lumbar extension exercise should be reserved for the end of the session for the lower back. It is similar to the deadlift. Keep your back straight. Just aim to gradually gain flexibility and strength without hurting yourself. To do this, the steps are simple:

  • Attach the Bodylastics anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Grab straps in each hand in a neutral position, arms almost straight.
  • Lean forward as you breathe out, legs barely bent.
  • Raise your bust gently while always keeping your back straight

An article to read also: The front sweater with elastic: the solution for a perfect back

extension bras rowing

Stretching with rubber band after the row

Strengthening back posture

This exercise will allow you to correct your posture. This way, you will be less slouched and you will have a very straight back and a high chest. To achieve this sequence, here is the step by step:

  • Sit on the floor, legs together and stretched out in front of you, torso straight.
  • Place the elastic around your feet, wedged under your arches.
  • Grasp the other end of the rubber band in your hands.
  • Inhaling pull the rubber band towards you, flexing your arms. Keep your chest straight and your abs tight.
  • As you exhale, gently release the rubber band, while keeping it under slight tension.

Thanks to this exercise, you stand straighter, your arms are strengthened, your abs firmer.

Full Back Stretch

This complete stretch is an exercise that allows you to stretch your back well, and to regain a very straight posture.Here's how to do it:

  • Sit cross-legged, feet together, back straight, abs together
  • Place the rubber band behind your back. Hold it firmly with both hands. The left hand grabs the rubber band from above behind the neck, while the right hand holds it from below, at the level of the lower back. The elbows are bent.
  • Slowly and gently, pull the elastic from side to side. Left hand pulls up, right hand down.
  • Gently return to starting position, maintaining slight elastic tension.
  • Do 10 extensions, then switch hands.

To be read in parallel: The complete guide to horizontal stretching with elastic

bandes élastiques

Stretching of round and back muscles

The latissimus dorsi is a muscle located in the middle of the back, while the round muscles cover the shoulders.

This exercise allows you to stretch the upper and middle area of ​​the back. Here's how to do it:

  • Sit cross-legged, feet together, torso straight.
  • Grasp a piece of the rubber band with each hand and place the rubber band behind your back.
  • Inhaling extend your arms to either side of your body. The elastic stretches, in your back. Your chest is open.
  • As you exhale, slowly bring your hands back towards your chest, maintaining light tension on the elastic.

Superhuman Fit elastic resistance bands for practicing rowing

To be able to perform rowing with elastic, you obviously need this essential accessory for bodybuilding enthusiasts. Fit Superhuman offers you a complete, easy-to-carry pack to perform rowing from wherever you want. Delivered with a carrying bag, you can take your rubber bands everywhere.

Thanks to the 5 elastic bands, you can progress by always adding more resistance, from 5 to 75 kilos. And for those who want to go even further, you can combine 2 packs to load up to 150 kilos! Remember to follow the recommendations given so as not to force too much from the start thanks to the complete guide delivered in the pack.

The elastic bands come with ankle straps and handles for rowing and other back exercises. You will also have a door anchor to perform draws from home. Ultra-resistant, these Fit Superhuman bands are unbreakable and can serve you for a lifetime for your weight training.

For more information: 10 exercises to do with a rubber band

bandes élastiques rowing

In summary on the row with elastic

The row is a complete exercise for your back to work both the dorsal and the deep muscles, but also the posture of your trunk. The steps for performing this strength training exercise are simple with a rubber band. Many variations are also achievable with this accessory, as well as stretching your entire back to prevent aches, aches and injuries.

Using the Superhuman Fit Elastic Resistance Bands, you can work on rowing and the variations offered from home, a park or even your vacation spot. Easy to use and easily transportable, these elastic bands are essential for progressing everywhere.


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Also known as the bent over row, rowing with a rubber band is an effective bodybuilding exercise for strengthening your back. It solicits the deep and dorsal muscles for a drawn and thick back, as...

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